Saturday, June 29, 2013

794 - surprise party

Day 794 is forecast to hit a high of 30 and it started out beautiful as Britt was off to stables leaving at 6:39 am. The rest of us enjoyed a sleep in. I was up and showered ready for our party day. Shaina gave the Aussie boys a ride to their car at 10 am and they headed to Okotoks for the w/e.

Once back Shaina was kind enough to curl my hair then she and I went and moved corral panels to give the skinnies some more pasture. Carol came to pick up her 2 horses at 11 as Britt arrived home from work.

Just before 2:30 Dale's family arrived and soon after, Mom and Dad and Amanda's family. The afternoon was sunny with the kids enjoying the trampoline. Dale and Craig kindly put the netting up. Travis showed up later in afternoon.

Chuck and Debby arrived around 4?? Craig helped me by cooking hamburgers and Mom made many salads, thanks everyone. Kaylin and Aaron came just after we started to eat at 7. It was a night of visiting and laughs and gun shooting contests. Dale started a campfire and many enjoyed it too.

 Britt and the God Father
 birthday boys
 getting help blowing candles out

Kaylin left later in the evening. The townies left about 11:30 and the rest headed to bed around then other than the girls who watched movies till later.

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