Monday, June 24, 2013

789 - blind measuring and choices

Day 789, Sheldon and I enjoyed coffee while getting our list for the day together. At 10 he ran to Matt's to get a fuel tank to fill the equipment.

The internet finally was back up and running just after 1. The crew loaded up and went to Chinook shopping.

Craig, a friend selling budget blinds stopped out after lunch to show us products and take measurements. He finished up about 4 as Grama and Papa arrived with bison. A fellow stopped to grab his then they came in to visit. Sheldon had ran to town to get some things including my big bag of dirt for more planters and was back to visit soon after.

The crew arrived home from shopping around 6, Shaina had to race to work. Sam and Britt went out to practice while Adam watched a rugby game and we visited.

 first on one then they swapped

 and these too enjoyed their rest

We all watched the final Stanley Cup hockey game then Grama and Papa headed home. Shaina was home from work around 10. A mighty pool tournament ensued!

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