Thursday, June 6, 2013

771 - clay arrives on site

Day 771 I was up early, it was odd not to have someone pulling into the yard to build something. I went out and dug up 5 of my shrubs that did not come back to exchange and the morning was beautiful. Britt was off to school with me right behind.

Trucks were dropping off top soil already and clay too as we left the yard. It seems there were 21 more trucks and pup loads thru out the day piling dirt high.
I grabbed teas for work and made a quick stop at Canadian Tire to secure my plants returning to pick them up after my morning of work at noon. I also made a quick stop at Rona to exchange a board I bought for a growth ruler that was not straight, must hone my eye better. It was then off to my colonic before grabbing iced coffees and heading home.
 below.. talk around the water cooler
I dropped one with Sheldon who was pushing the clay into the pit making room for more loads. Back at the house I unloaded my plants only to be interrupted by my callback from Microsoft. After over 2 hours on the phone we resolved all issues!! holy cow! Sheldon sprayed for weeds down the road edge this am so had him put some on the island weeds which are many!

Shaina was up by noon I think but she managed to feed the 3 horses and kittens as well as clean a kitty litter box before she was off to work for 2.

By now it was time to cook up a most fabulous mahi mahi supper for just Sheldon and I. Britt grabbed a sandwich and was out the door to slow pitch practice. After a long process of purchase my latest vanity was delivered too.
After supper I went out and planted the shrubs then watered them all in well before heading to garage to put 2nd coat on the farm table.
What a gorgeous night. Sheldon worked in the pit pushing last of dirt in then started scraping the top soil in the shop for a bit. I updated the blog and emails.
 clay for the shop
new spirea plants in compared to the surviving same plant at the bottom
Britt was home from practice just after 10. I forgot to say that on Monday as we were leaving for Shaina's birthday supper she got a call saying she was hired at Lammles!! She starts Saturday. Yeah Britt!! Shaina came home late, assuming she went to wing night after her closing shift :-0)

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