Monday, January 14, 2013

630 - 1st day in paradise

Day 630 was a slow start. I did not sleep well and was up at 12:30 till 5 ish but managed to chat with two of the girls since they are 3 hours behind. When I did fall asleep finally I slept till 10, Sheldon slept all the way thru so had a relaxing sleep. Darren and Sharon slept well so were up by 7:30. They had left over breakfast potatoes and I cooked a couple eggs. It was great.

At 12:30 we ventured down the goat trail to town. It took us a half hour to go down in the heat. We met Berthia and toured the town checking out the area. We exchanged money at the bank while the boys enjoys more piton on the beach, shopped for coco, coffee and banana ketchup then stopped for lunch. This turned into over 2 hours to get some wraps and a couple beers. We loaded up on bread, groceries and beers before catching a taxi back up the hill at 4:30.

Back at cashew villa we enjoyed some cold refreshments. The rest swam. For supper we enjoyed corn on the cob and sausage Darren prepared. Alvin our security guard joined us as well and stayed visiting late into the evening. We managed to Skype Britt, Shaina and the Paetz family who had Travis there too. Apparently it is very cold and snowy back home, Kaylin even stayed an extra night, heading home today but said could hardly see the road edges out of our yard. They did say a chinook was coming in tomorrow. plus 28 here is fine with me. :-)

Bedtime was a bit later although Sharon and Darren headed in sooner as tuckered out from another full day.

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