Wednesday, January 2, 2013

618 - Asher turns 2 and Mya turns 4!!

Day 618 is little man Asher's 2nd birthday and princess Mya's 4th. HAPPY BIRTHDAY you two!!

It was also back to work for Sheldon and I, boo  :-( so off to work we went. Britt slept till noon and played games, I want her life :-)

I arrived home just after 3:30 and updated the blog before vacuuming the main floor to put down the freshly washed rugs and couch cover back on and enjoy a cold beer. Sheldon tried a new Big Rock variety called Hell's Bock and really likes it.
We had a quick supper then jumped in the truck to go in for birthday cake for Asher. He had fun opening all his gifts and playing with them.
 Asher taking a birthday skype call
 and posing with his cake

 opening the gift from us.. a "choo"

Once back home I chatted with Shaina, here is the quote from her day...

"not much at all kinda rainy. lunged then bathed scotch, fed the chickens, caught the chicks cause she wanted to make sure some lived but we ended up building a pen for them and the mom instead so let them go after that. its 5:30 pm. we were outside all day. we chase sheep like twice a day. fed "Eladie" the pregnant mare. played with Te Whetu."
 Sheldon trying on his "new" flames gear I found him, he used his Grama's xmas money, Thanks GG Kuhn

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