Monday, January 7, 2013

623 - dreaded back to work and school

Day 623 was back to school and work, me included as I will be taking a few weeks off, need to catch up at work. Since Britt was still feeling under the weather I drove her to school as well. Kaylin slept in (enjoying her sleep in Shaina's bed) and took Lexi to her shot appointment.

Work was super busy for me. After work I ran for a quick 5 minute tan, picked up 4 "new to me" glass balls and made a quick stop at pharmacy and mail before venturing home. Kaylin was still here so we skyped Shaina quick before she headed to town for supper with her friend Gail.

Shaina had gone out boating last night with a crowd of people and had a great time even meeting one of the Aussie girls that was here a couple years back on exchange named Codi. The weather is hot (29) but windy today in NZ. She is currently riding a pony named Spook aptly named she says. Here is her message
"they're horses are so skittish and small. like i cant pet them without them jumping away. hes like no we don't pat them or nothin, just get on and ride. and they don't walk at all. right when u get on they trot" Of course they are fresh coming out of winter so with some more rides she will see a change I think. It also seems the 2 older boys are a handful, they like to pester her by throwing things at her (no longer funny she says) and try to go thru her stuff. She says the food is fairly normal compared to ours but tastes different, for example the milk tastes like melted ice cream which she defines as gross, odd since she LOVES ice cream :-) She has found a tour group for Thailand they hope to get on with. It sure looks fun. I have found her a few flights which work best for Terri to kindly drop her at airport and with the tour so hope they can join it.

It was an early night for Sheldon and I after a nice warm bath, hit the sheets early at 9 but played on my iPad till after 11!

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