Thursday, April 18, 2024

Wind yet again and cold

glad to see most of the straw stayed in place

deck furniture however had a good shuffle east

The day was sunny, no snow and looked like no wind however when I took cat food outside there was a bit. We had our usual start focusing on getting the rental contract done and sent to the tentative new tenants. Be darned if the winds did not pick up again around 10. Yuck! A couple parcels were unboxed including new paint.

S ran the vacuum around the main floor while I watered plants. He was then off to town before noon for shinny and some errands. I had some chicken then worked on accounting, blog posts and marketing. I posted the change table on marketplace and had it spoken for in short order. It is the lady who bought Beck years ago, she will pick up tomorrow.

It was then on to repotting my rubber plant. I did get dressed to go outside but it was another hurricane so I came in and gave H a bone to go enjoy. Sharon stopped to give Timba treats and came in to the garage to visit for a bit. Once repotted I hosed the rubber plant down and put back in its basket in the living room. More garage plant care, laundry and H’s dishes washed up.

this is coffee table I had delivered last week

S was home after 4 with the mail and Cooper. He read his mail and had a nap in big brown. I prepped supper. S drove up and down the road a few times pegging off 3 gophers while I cooked supper and returned to eat. He then was back to town to meet the new tenants and walk thru the condo. I bundled up and took the dogs for a walk. It was brr at 1 degree with the wind but we made our loop. Britt was pulling in as we were making our way back. I scooped poop then went to check on cat food. Sheldon pulled in with bad news the prospective tenants said the condo was too small but most likely because it looks like a storage unit with the current tenants stuff. I found the stray cat was up there and had eaten all the food of course. Our 2 followed me and were very concerned he was up there. I managed to shoo him out and take the cats to the garage to feed them and lock in for the night. S went and put cat food in the trap. Britt finished her feeding and she and Coop set off home. S was in big brown for the flames game. I showered and relaxed in bed writing the blog then watching some Netflix.

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