Saturday, April 13, 2024

And we're off to the races

Another beauty day ahead. I was up early to feed the pets and make horse feed and coffee as per my usual routine. I caught up the garden blog as a few days behind. Papa and Sheldon were up for coffee and S started cooking sausage Mom and TJ had made. Once Grama was up, he cooked eggs and toast to go with it. I watered my raised garden seeds quick.

Britt was out after 11. Cooper and Harley kept each other company while we jumped in the car and headed off to the races. The day was sunny but a bit blustery to start. It improved as the day went on. Everyone enjoyed their betting challenges. Dave did well winning the first 2 races, placing in others and finally getting Sheldon’s only winning bet with Dave winning the last race.


Dave and the moneymaker You so Sirius!

After the races, we headed to Dave's barn to tour it and meet the horses. And have a cold refreshment. Britt ended up helping on a couple horses. 

Do you see the flaming C on the horses forehead with us? Kipper might be his new name. Or Iggy ;)

Kaylin ordered pizza which I picked up as we passed by on our way to their place. We enjoyed it with a cold beer and cookies by Nathan. Renn entertained the people till she was ready for her bath before 8. Dave joined us too. The fellows were watching a hockey game that went into OT. Luckily it did not last long and we were off for home. Dave had a wee bit of bad luck backing into a car behind him on the departure.

my completion video

We arrived back home just before 9. The betting results had Papa up $11, Grama down $5, Sheldon down $10 and Britt up $17.80. Britt fed horses while Dave rustled up Gulliver. The fellows then watched the Oilers game with beers and a snack tray I made them. B headed home. I wrote today's blog. Dave headed home after the Oilers lost. Everyone made their ways to bed. I had to read for awhile again.

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