Sunday, April 21, 2024

It’s my birthday

I awoke to wind for my birthday, boo! It was a usual start with coffee in bed. Nathan (who is solo parenting today while K works) FaceTimed for Renn to send her birthday wishes. XOXO The cutest birthday wisher of the day. My 2 littlest nieces sent the sweetest texts too. XOXO Very blessed to have many other wishes thru the day. THANK YOU all!

My new little (made from a piano) wooden phone speaker from mom and Dad K along with spending money I may use for a new outfit or plant. THANK YOU!

Windy but sunny here but so dark to the north, rain never did roll in sadly

Thanks Nate :)

S had his porridge and headed to church. He checked cat trap and still no stray caught. I jumped in the shower then refilled shampoo, conditioner and lotion bottles then get ready for the day. I posted a birthday paint giveaway on my Creative Moments page. I put other big items for sale too.

S was back before noon with Vietnamese for lunch. He had dropped Asher off at home after church with just the 2 of them attending today. AJ has the others at their sports. He then hit big brown for a nap while I did a bit of marketing and blog writing. The overcast windy day makes for no fun outside adventures. Britt was out after 2:30. She brought me a sweet schflerra plant, THANKS B!

First, she caught Beibs and trimmed him up. She then took the feed tub and lunge line to the winter gate. While Bird ate, she lunged Roo. The trees are a huge wind break and great place to take shelter. I posted yesterday’s post while S continued to peruse the online action that he has been searching since he woke up. It is a quiet boring birthday thanks to this crap weather.

She walked Roo back and trimmed her too in the barn. She popped in at 5 to say goodbye and head home. The wind increased even more, grrrr. Hockey was just starting but S was ok with heading to town for supper. He jumped in the shower and had a quick shave and we were off to the Station for my FREE birthday meal. This restaurant has had this fabulous offer for the last 23 years we have lived here and before that for how long I am not sure.

Supper was good- we both had Mexican salmon with the yummiest broccoli cheese soup to start. Of course I had to have my favourite cheesecake for dessert and all my meal was FREE! Thank you Strathmore Station for your amazing offer. We went thru the drive thru at Tim’s where I got my free birthday tea. S wanted to check out the newest lake subdivision so drove there. There was a lady who posted lean burger and a rump roast she found in her freezer from Feb 23. Harley would love that, heck we would eat our freezer meat no problem with that date. We grabbed it for her seeing we were close.

Back at the ranch S hustled inside to watch the 3rd playoff hockey game just starting. I got the cats in the garage, Harley out for a pee while I looped the house to scoop poop. Did I mention I don’t like dog poop in my yard?? :) I worked on today’s blog, sold the cedar chest - yay!!, filled calendar for upcoming event to end of June all while enjoying a tasty rum and coke birthday drink. S of course watched the game while perusing the online auction - seems there is a gun he is bidding on. After the game ended we watched more Netflix like usual. My bestie Lori text her grandson was born today on his due date - welcome to the world little Leighton Bare. Today is a great day for your birthday.

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