Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Happy Halloween

Cooper was in the front door at 6:43. I spent the morning working as the accountant and marketing agent. S and I worked on cleaning up our email inboxes. S rolled out the remaining bale then had his zoom workout class at 11. After lunch we ventured out in the PLUS 4 weather to give dewormer to 3/4 horses. Sharon gave Timba his at lunch. B will have to do Beibs later.

the daytime costume - pumpkin Renn

The highchair has a buyer - I sent this photo of it working as a booster.
And below I think I FINALLY have roots on the fiddle leaf branch that has been in water since Aug 19th. That is over 10 weeks.

We loaded the trash and set off for town. Phew the trash was dropped first. Britt’s part was picked up then the MCM dresser. The vehicles were registered for another year. We had some snacks and a beverage once back. Supper was not long after. A hot tub was in order next. The sun set with a pretty pink sky. Not as spectacular as last night but still pretty.

Renn by night.. cutest bat ever!!

Nathan's epic pumpkin carving skills

B’s car acted up on the way home. She arrived before 7. S backed out Sadie and she drove in. B fed Bird and gave Beib’s his dewormer while S changed the part. B was off after feeding with her copilot Cooper. S picked a scary movie for Halloween night - The Unholy. It did have a few spots that made you jump. Happy Halloween everyone!

Monday, October 30, 2023

Renn starts swim lessons

It was an early wake today thanks to B. She was not dropping cooper off but rather phoning with car troubles at 7 am on her way to work. S coached her to continue to work after hearing details. Dave arrived before 8 to drop Cooper off. He came in for a coffee with us to trouble shoot the car plan. He took along the code reader when he headed to Moore’s.

The rulers had a 3rd coat applied after paper bag sanding. The gal is finding a friend with a circuit to print the children’s names as my printer is ink less and the amount she wants is cost prohibitive. Especially after the wood prices continue to increase. S had a busy morning ordering B’s car part (thanks to Dave for getting the codes to determine), trying to source Mercedes proximity sensors and organizing the bison part pickup. A call to Mercedes has a quote of approx $2500!! Think we will leave with the beep for awhile.

The day started -2 but hit zero before noon and warmed up to PLUS 3 in the afternoon. The horses are using the hay nets. I bundled up and took dogs along to flip them over the rain to lift a they empty. S put charger on the trailer batteries. He and I bagged up the 3 livers and other parts we had extra for Harley. These will be given to the Indigenous group too. I tucked them in the snow under the dented car door. 

Grilled cheese was paired with borscht (Thanks Ma K!!) for lunch. After letting Cooper I I thought I best check on him. Low and behold he had drug a bag out from under the door and over to his spot by the east trees. He was getting into the bag as I scurried out. I took it to the garage to wash and rebag. S went and dumped the cooler of myeloid water way east then rinsed the cooler. The bags were put safely in there till the fellow arrives.

Plans changed for a haircut so S ran to town for his shinny. I stayed to load up the bison people when they arrived at 2:30. I got it all transferred to their truck and they were on their way. The cooler rinsed and that is that for now. Now to get the tutorial written for the cedar chest. I have been slacking on my tutorials, yikes. Once it was finally complete I had to send to all product sponsors. Then start to share online. I was just finishing this up when S rolled in after 4:30. He had picked up a free dresser I plan to do in fun transfers or rice paper.

A cold beer and some chips and dip were enjoyed. Cabbage rolls (AGAIN thanks to Ma K XOXO) were our delicious supper. The ball game entertained S. B arrived at 6:45. Her new work schedule is 7:30-6 pm. This means she will be dropping Cooper off at 6:45 AM and pick up and have supper at 6:45 PM. I packaged up the bone broth and threw another batch on. B did not eat supper today. She fed Bird and her and Coop were off. Renn had her first swimming lesson tonight. It is done in a pool at 38 degrees!!

Could she be any cuter??

We never tire of the spectacular sunsets we have here. The horses were self exercising in the golden glow. The baseball game entertained S. We skipped a hot tub and had story time relaxing in bed.

Sunday, October 29, 2023

Weather warms up

Bones for dog broth were thrown in the slow cooker while feeding the dogs breakfast. Coffee and cereal and off to church. I went along today as well. It was a lovely sunny out but brr at -10. It sooner warmed up as the day went along. On our way home we grabbed a tea and pumpkin spice muffin. Dave’s truck was here. They were having lunch in town at OJ’s. They were back not long after as we enjoyed our tea and muffins. 

I clear coated the ruler backs. S and Dave visited while watching hockey. Dave showered and ironed up clothes and headed to a friends mom’s memorial service. B fed Bird and filled hay bags. The ruler backs were coated twice then the front one coat. S ran the vacuum around the main floor, thanks. It is PLUS 1 after lunch.

Busy B hanging her filled bags

I was putting the 2nd top coat on the rulers as B packed up her boys. They were off at 3. S and I played crib with a cold beer, chips and dill pickle dip. We followed up my crib loss with a hot tub. The weather was amazing!!! 

Sheldon's snow angel from last night!

We wrapped it up in time to shower and watch the heritage classic hockey game. I cooked up a pan fried pickerel meal for supper. The Flames loss was a bugger. Time to read a new library book out loud and relax in bed.

Saturday, October 28, 2023

Mom K's bday

Happy birthday Mom K!! We hope you have an amazing day and year ahead. Blog catch up continues and getting my paint invoice in. S tried to connect with the bison lady as to parts pick up. He hooked up the trailer and tucked it away in the arena for the winter.

Britt, Cooper and Gulliver arrived at 12:30. The boys will be staying the night as the sorority house is hosting a Halloween party. She ate lunch and go busy drafting up her first big vet tech supervisor meeting speech.

Shaina and her friend Matt went to Lake Louise. She snapped another amazing photo.

S and I ran to town. The temp was nearing zero but overcast and dreary. I picked up a library book, dropped off jars and a couple bison livers to a friend and picking up a stack of egg cartons she had. They will be given to amber for her new chickens. She sent us a free dozen to try ;) Next up I dropped a strap and picked up Dad’s glasses and meds at Sagewood. Some liquor was bought with the last stop for groceries. 

The rulers were painted thee markings and numbers. Britt fed horses then bathed stinky cooper. S retaped his hockey stick. A bison roast was put in the instant pot. I prepped potato zucchini. When adding them to the pot, I tried a gravy idea. It worked perfectly. B finished her meeting speech that took over 4 hours to write. She read it to us as practice. She still has great public speaking talent. S started a fire after stocking the wood bucket.

Snow started to come down heavily as we ate. B headed off after she supper to the Halloween party. We watched the ball game with the fire a blazing. S took the cats soft food and tucked away in the barn for the night seeing Gully is spending night in garage. Seeing the full moon and being only -3, a hot tub was in order. It was a spectacular bright moon with just a few clouds. The wind was gone. S was brave enough to do a snow angel in the fresh snow. Back inside more Bodies episodes were watched before lights out.

Friday, October 27, 2023

First facetime with Renn

Cooper is back to doggy daycare early this am. We had our coffees in bed. Magpies were after the bison parts in the truck box. S dressed and grabbed a tarp and threw over. While out he went and rolled more hay for the horses. I worked on the blog trying to catch it up and took a few pictures of the high chair. 

We then got busy cutting and bagging the bison parts S sourced for the dogs. The dogs were excited to be a part of the crew getting some fresh treats. We may have more to do as the indigenous foundation that ordered parts along with a whole bison may not be able to pick up. We cleaned up and came in for brunch.

The indoor plants were watered up. The sun was out warm in from -9 to -3. B requested Bird’s blanket moved. I walked the dogs down to do this task. Beauty out for sure. S loaded up the organ scraps and bloody water in ranger and took and dumped far east. He also cleaned the filters and shocked the hot tub. He wanted the filters to dry and I gave the runner rack a try in our one dryer. It worked like a charm. On my walk I saw Pepper’s grave disturbed again so S jumped in skid steer and went to top up again. Dam coyotes. I had sent the cats out of garage earlier, S turned on their cat house light and programmed the timer.

Look hoe dirty they get on the left (partially cleaned) and clean on right

I wrote an Etsy ad for the tulip vase. Laundry continued all day including S hockey gear. We facetimed 2 super cute girls.

Jarrod sent 3 big squash home with S from their garden. One was roasted and bison spaghetti sauce made to serve with it. Another tasty farm fresh meal. We decided to hit the hot tub while it was still light and temp-8 and dropping. The sunset was enjoyed too. Back inside we started a new series called Bodies. We managed to watch 1 and a 1/4 episodes before shutting off the lights and trying to catch up on the lack of sleep over last week. Shortly after, Britt arrived at 9:45 from her RVT supper. It is vet tech appreciation month. She spent a half hour ranting about the problems and concerns she has been told are happening that are now her concern with the the job position. Poor girl. Her and Coop were off. Now to get some sleep.

Thursday, October 26, 2023

Bison harvest 2023

S was up early and off to the Valley at 7 am. Mom made him a coffee to go. I had packed him a protein and a nut bar for his breaky. I awoke with a headache so tried to fall back asleep with no success. I got up to feed Harley who was giving Mom all kinds of sad hungry eyes. S and the boys shot and loaded 4 old cows first thing and sent to Kindersley for hamburger. The rest of the day was processing 7 younger bison. Lo and behold while doing so he found a recently born calf!! This little one has a tough road ahead. 

Mom and I went in to visit Dad. Amanda and Aislyn were just ahead of us. AJ gave him a fresh haircut. I helped him with lunch but it was not a good day. It started out not on the best foot the staff said. I did get a full bowl of soup in. We brainstormed calf saving ideas. The trouble would be getting the baby away from the mom. Currently we will all pray the little one is helped by nature to survive.

Back at Mom’s we had a cup of mushroom soup. She and I relaxed in the living room watching some TV. I got our stuff ready to go. Paetz’s stopped to pick up Clover. S arrived as they were all loading up after 4. We loaded up and were on the road homeward bound not long after them. They took the Pollockville route and turned in behind us at Hussar. Roads were better on way home but light snow started closer to home.

there are 3 dogs here, Tim is laying down below Harley

Ada sporting some clothes Britt had passed down to her ;)

Back at the ranch Britt was just done pitching some hay. She was off. we unloaded quick. Kitty litter was cleaned as cats were in the last few days. We had a late supper of leftovers. The Flames were playing. We crawled into bed but after watching the terrible display in 2 periods the TV was shut off and lights out. We both needed sleep!