Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Trailer to rodeo grounds

Lexi was up after 7 so I sent her outside to do her biz then back I to be where we slept till 9 am. I went out and did the usual horse let out, feed H and cats and do Lexi’s eye drops. S made coffee and had his cereal. Mom and Dad stopped out before 11 to drop off a few things for Pat and have a visit. S was just heading down the lane way to load 10 bales for the bale buyer. I packaged up some touch up paint and sealer for a previous buyer who dinged her vanity when moving. They were off at noon with Pat and Candace arriving shortly after. I made us chicken salads for lunch with a cold beer and a visit. Candace painted my nails in shellac polish to tray and blend the growing out.

They were off to the city before 1:30 to meet Shaina for an early lunch and kindly took Lexi along with them. We tossed in the last few things in the trailer and headed to town. At the campground Amanda was waiting to give me a ride to Dad’s family meeting. I quickly helped S back the trailer in and we were off. He unhooked, leveled and put slides out then off to help with rodeo stuff. He headed back home to load another 10 bales for the buyer at 2:45.

I finally opened my paint parcel that arrived awhile ago

After our meeting ended at 3 I went with AJ to her place where she had 6 kids playing. we had a cold drink with S having a beer with us when he arrived to pick me up. We then headed to the campground where he was off to do rodeo projects and I set up a few things in the trailer. Asher had practice at the ball diamond beside here so i walked over to watch. It was a hot 26+ day with all sunshine. I met S back at the trailer before 6:30 and we jetted home.

I made veggie packs and he prepared the steaks. Just before the fellow arrived S tossed the veggies on the BBQ then went to load his last load. I needed to finish the chair to get a 3rd project required for my paint contract so waxed the accent chair. Harley wanted to meet the buyers so we walked over to find the folks very chatty. B and Coop arrived while we were visiting. Once they were gone we headed in to cook the steaks and eat a yummy supper late at 8. B gave Pepper and Bird their 2nd Adequan shot, relaxed in the beautiful evening glow with the cats and dogs before she headed home at 8:30. 

We jumped in the hot tub then S wanted to go back to sleep in the trailer. I took Pep’s temperature as B thought he was getting sick as is Switch possibly then loaded up H and we headed back to town for the tenth time. S filled the trailer with water quick then we took H for a walk then back to trailer where I wrote the blog for today and he perused the net.

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