Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Lilacs trimmed

There was a bit of a project around 1:20 am when Lexi jumped down and headed out of the bedroom. Usually she goes for a drink of water or scratches the door but neither were heard. When she quit walking I went to find she had relieved herself at the front door mat. I soaked it up with paper towels, rolled rug up and put on deck then put her in the kennel. Back in bed I decided it best get washed before dries like the big rug so went and tossed in the washer. I was now awake and after washing feet I watched another Blown Away with headphones on.

I slept till 7:15 when S woke early but was soon back asleep but I was not. I let the horses out, fed H, put Lexi's eye drops in (2  /day) hung out the rug then was back in to relax in bed for a bit. Once up and making coffee S had rodeo plans underway. He set off for town after breakfast to meet for panel delivery and other rodeo errands. I hauled the chair out and sanded the stencil to look worn and did touch ups. A load of shoes was washed as half way thru summer already.

S was back at 1 just in time for his yummy chicken salad I had made for him and working on mine. I started vacuuming the house which is in dire need after some tidying. I washed the island chair covers for the first time and they washed up well. The big rug is still damp.

 Mom and Dad popped out with what I thought was hedge trimmers however that is not good for lilacs so we embarked on hand trimming off all the seed pods and trying to shape the hedge. Dad napped for a bit, helped put branches in the wheelbarrow and got lots of walking in. Sheldon helped trim some and was very good at loading branches and dumping at the pit for us as he watered the trees lowering the water tanks. B, Dave and Coop were out as both have the day off, fed horses then took Beibs out for a cart ride.

The neighbor stopped by to pay for bales too. The morning was cool and overcast but the sun popped out in the afternoon making for a toasty tree chop at 23 degrees. THANKS Mom for your help getting the lilacs done. At 4:30 she and Dad headed back for his supper time. Back inside I continued vacuuming as S did some relaxing and internet perusing in big brown. He and I had the last of the cabbage rolls and coleslaw for supper. Now it was bathroom cleaning, dusting and mopping the main floor. What a great feeling to have things clean but the big rug is still not dry.

S hooked up the trailer and parked at front door before heading out to mow the laneway and approach. He has been stewing about his bale prices which I said to just give it a bit. Wouldn't you know a guy called and wants 30 and was driving over to get 5 and decide if he would take 30. I worked on the blogs getting a few posted today and slowly catching up. S moved a few bales up to the house then drove down to the neighbors in the fireball to quote a hay cut while I put the horses in the barn paddock. Then I loaded clothes, food and drink into the trailer I had set out.

The bale buyer seemed to have gotten lost and finally arrived after 9:30 as the sun was dropping. He loaded them up with 4 bales and sent them on their way before 10. Time for a hot tub, shower and relaxing with Blown Away. My knee was tweaked today and think getting out of hot tub to catch Lexi 

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