Friday, July 15, 2022

Dad comes for supper

Another usual start to the day but Britt was out at 9 having the day off  as we were making coffee. She made food and when checked on KD found her very sore. She called vet Ashley to come look at her then went out to ride Roo. S was off to start round baling around 10:30 as I ran to town for groceries. I thought I had all on my list but as I started for home I remembered milk so ran back quick. B had made stalls for KD and brought in Dave’s horse in the other but she is a cribber so was swapped out for Roo.

knee bruising moved around the side

I helped S trouble shoot a baler issue that luckily he figured out.

Shaina, Kaylin and Lexi arrived before noon with the vet soon after. For the next hour and half KD was poked and prodded and dry taken with a grim outlook. She is a tough girl but pain is starting to show.

After the vet left I made us tuna sandwiches and fresh veggies. S stopped to join us for lunch then back to his task. I started making chili for supper and left it to simmer. K and Shaina asked me to get Grandy and come for supper earlier in the week. Well done girls!

Shaina and Britt were back with KD setting up a fan in her stall and fresh water, scrubbing her legs and adding a cooling plaster while Kaylin and I got boxes out of the storage trailer for her to go thru. Lots of fun photos and memory books were sorted thru with boxes along with ones I had from going thru trailer stuff loaded in the car. Pepper was switched out for Roo to spend the time with KD.

Kaylin, Shaina and I ran to town dropping the boxes a t the thrift store then off to pick up Dad. He was dressed in his cowboy shirt and waiting for us as we were a few minutes late. We then zipped home. while K finished her sorting and Shaina joined Britt again with KD I got Dad comfy in a chair for a short nap while I got a few things together and juggled helping girls, fed H and did last touches on chili. 

S finished up his round bales totaling 100.. about 92 more then last year and not counting the 446 small squares. Great hay year, thanks you Lord. 

Everyone seemed to like the chili but Dad even asked for seconds. After we were finished we took a walk to see KD, the farm equipment then stopped to visit with Keith and Brenda. All the girls except B stopped over as well as did Sheldon after counting his bales on the ranger.

I had promised Dad rodeo so took him inside. shaina moved the little Rose chair into my room and we got it going. He was pleased to be upfront and center. Being on the PVR I could fast forward thru commercials and the uninteresting events. 

I popped out to help the girls before the Calgarians set off for home after 8. Sheldon was inside watching Rodeo with Dad then B and Cooper joined us. Once the bull riding was over we all loaded up and headed to town dropping Dad off after 9:30 tuckered out after his busy day (Peggy had taken him out after lunch and Amanda and the kids stopped to play some cards earlier too)

On our way home we swung thru DQ to grab us easy a blizzard. Back at the ranch B and Coop headed home after we checked on KD. S and I had a hot tub then he caught day before bull riding  and internet while I showered and watched Netflix.

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