Saturday, February 12, 2022

Yoga date with Dude

I managed to sleep till 7 today with a wake up to let H out and to the garage after 5. Today I actually made coffee rather then iced after feeding her. It has been 5 days hot coffee free. Then I actually spent time writing some letters today, it has been so long since I actually wrote longhand. I also listened to more podcasts. I arranged with Shaina to attend my first in person yoga class in the city later.

It was a beautiful day hitting +9, I had a telephone catch up with Ma K. I had planned on stopping the blog but with her encouragement I will continue on as it really has been helpful to track appointments, events and trips in the past. I took H for a walk in the sunshine.

H video

Ready for a work out

the green is getting greener and red redder

B was out before 2 as I was scrambling to get ready and head to the city. I brought in a horse feed bag for her and she prepped her dishes. She will also feed H before she heads back to town, thanks B, I was off and arrived a few minutes before Shaina was back from the gym after 3. We went up to her place and visited with Lexi before we set off for our yin yoga class. This is the first actual pro yoga class I have attended and have to say it was not what I was expecting but the restorative relaxation of it was fabulous!!

look at the fancy dishes Princess Lexi eats from at Auntie Shaina's

After our class it was back to her place for her to change while I took Lexi for a walk and bathroom beak. We had a tasty and filling sushi supper at Globefish before heading back to her place once and again where I headed for home just after 7.

Harley of course was sleeping but I woke her to go with me to put the cats away with raw food for the night then back in to work on the blog while waiting for a bison pickup. The guy finally found the ranch at 9:30. I finished up computer work then headed to bed watching a bit more of the Tinder Swindler.

Kaylin sent this pick of the pupping season they were able to see

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