Thursday, February 24, 2022

More snow

Awoke to a fresh coat of snow, H went out at her usual 6 am and quickly back into her kennel. It is much warmer around -10 with the sun out in full force when I fed her breakfast. Computer work was done with a couple coffees then I went out to take off the horses blankets once they came in for water. Hello Fresh was delivered as I was finishing up. A past customer inquired yesterday about the record cabinet but she does not drive and would need delivery like we did for the dresser she previously purchased. Seeing we are going to the mountains next week I arranged delivery as we pass by and she paid in full!

The canna planter seems to be going yellow ;(

In the garage I added wood filler on the dresser and while it dried lightly sanded the sideboard, polished the hinges, hung them and applied another coat of hemp oil all over and inside.

The dresser wood filler was sanded then a coat of primer painted on. The sideboard was wiped back and left to cure. Darn I forgot to let cats out so H and I headed out to do that and shovel sidewalk and scoop some poop.

The sun went away after lunch, boo but it was now -5 with light snow fall off and on all afternoon. After some accounting I was back to the garage adding more wood filler to spots and white staining the wood top and drawer fronts.

I have eggs coming so made pizzelles with the ones I have left. She arrived with fresh ones just after I had them all made. As per usual I eat too many while making them and not hungry for one of my yummy HF meals. I spent a few hours working on the vacation blog days finding I did 1 out of order first. B and Coop were out around 6:30 to feed. I took the kitties raw food and tucked them in for the night trudging thru yet another fresh snow covering. B and Coop headed home after 7. 

A bowl of salad was my late 8:30 supper while chatting with S who was eating late too and watching his Flames play. A soak in the tub then relax in bed was up next after finishing up the property tour day vacation blog post and publishing it.

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