Thursday, February 10, 2022

Movie date with the dogs and B

Sleep is not my friend waking at 12, 2 then awake at 3:30 today, boo. Har did go out but only for 2 minutes then to the garage. I did drift off to sleep around 7 for an hour with her reminding me to come give breakfast at 8:30. I emailed with a lady interested in the floral lazy susan and she plans to come pick up tomorrow. The day was supposed to be another 14 day but it is overcast and dreary requiring my hood on my jacket when we let out the cats and I did a poop scoop loop as the snow continues to melt.

B's swelling and bruising

Britt slept in (having declined going to work as they wanted) but upon waking found her swelling up to her eyes and her throat sore and breath a concern. I talked to the nurse who then called her to chat. I think the laying down for so long did not help. I will go in for a visit but waited until the new deep freeze was delivered after 12:30 then loaded Harley up and we headed to town.

I grabbed horse feed then some vitamin K2 for B before going to her place. We watched the movie A Dogs Way Home. Cooper had a big vested interest in in getting very excited in many parts. His reaction of course would still up Harley from her naps. 

When it ended B packed up Coop's supper and I loaded them up to take to the ranch for a play date. I stopped and grabbed an Opa on the way by. I was eating when Mom called to catch up as it has been a few weeks. While we chatted I mixed up the horse feed I soaked this am and fed the horses. It was bitter cold wind and about a high of 8. H was then fed, cats fed and put away for the night then time to bring the dogs in to feed Cooper. This was when 2 coyotes were wandering across the east field in no hurry, one was really big. I got the dogs in and Coop fed while I finally caught up the blog that has been lacking.

I finished the other half of my Opa, B arrived after 7 with a box of butternut squash soup which I heated for her to get down. She polished off the whole tetra box. I gave Harley a bath and she hosed Coops feet before she was off for home before 8. S and I had a short facetime while he was between hockey period watching then I crawled into bed to listen to podcasts. Kaylin sent great pictures from their day at Disneyland. She says the smells take her back to when we went as a family.

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