Monday, February 21, 2022

Frigid Family Day

It was -16, brrr when we woke and got coffee on. We started family day relaxing in bed with coffee and learning how to whiten bison skulls on YouTube. We also searched some online places like Etsy and Marketplace to see pricing before watching the Ozark episode we turned off last night. 

S had a nap while I tried to catch up the blog quick then got into sorting papers. He worked on the farm GST while watching his Flames play at 2 and I health and accounting folders. This was a great task for the chilly day. B was out to feed horses mid afternoon having the day off.

I cooked up the last supper delicious HF meal: pork souvlaki style salad. After supper we went out to tidy the recyclables and unpack and organize bison. This helped the garage chaos that needs to be addressed.

We ended the day with an ice cream sandwich while watching 3 Ozark episodes before getting dozy. The temperature has dropped allot thru the day now to to -27 so S ran out to plug in car and grab battery pack to charge. Of course I was then awake after shutting off so watched some Wentworth and listened to some podcasts.

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