Thursday, November 25, 2021

white washing the desk day

H was fed before 9 after heading out just before 6 then sleeping in kennel. I rousted the hunter to get his coffee going and let out the cats. The plus 6 chinook is causing a blustery overcast day to start.

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I put a clear coat on the accent table top, so very exciting it sold so fast. S bagged up deer heads and the cardboard pile to take to town after lunch. We all had a bowl of soup then Shaina back to work, S to the couch for his after dinner rest while I washed up the pots then got new sale posts going.

After 1 S headed to town as I headed out to white wash the desk. This was quite the process and I was only half done when S was back after 3. He poured us a cold beer as he supervised my painting. He was then off to cut the back straps off the deer and package up.

I finished up the desk and left it till tomorrow as the ugly stage had me questioning the last 4 hours work. I started the last HF supper; creamy pesto chicken after 6 as B pulled in. She went and fed the horses, Shaina arrived back home at 6:30 and it was ready to eat by 7. We all rated it very highly.

I loaded the chalkboard up in B's car and she was off after 7:30. Sheldon headed to the shop to chunk the deer meat before 8. I wrote a Hometalk tutorial for the black high chair while watching the newest season of Selling Sunset I started last night. More sell posts before I headed to watch in bed. S was in at 9:30 to hit the sheets after a shower. I watched some new Explained: The Mind and started Blown Away Christmas.

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