Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Coyote sightings X 2

Yet another odd nights sleep with H wanting out at 1 but only to pee quick then into garage however I then kept waking each hour for no reason. After 6 she scratched on the house door so I let her out to pee and back to garage. When I did fall asleep I woke to Shaina making tea before 8 for her meeting. She let in H who rushed to my bedside to plead with her eyes for breakfast. I did make her wait for a bit before it was served. It was frost covered and  - 9 but sunny!!

After she ate and was out I made a cappuccino and started another paint module while doing some marketing while listening. Seeing it was such a sunny day I stuffed my housecoat in my insulated coveralls and H and I went to let kitties out and haul a bale down for the horses. Everyone got along probably seeing they were hungry. :) And the chilly air seems much warmer with NO WIND and loads of sunshine. H and I played ball for a bit too.

Back inside I had a quick shower then finished my module and got the blog posted. Then I was off to town after giving Har a treat to eat in her kennel while I was gone. First stop was to pick up a cute little cabinet Amanda found for me then to her house where she saved my toque!!! THANK YOU!!! A short visit then I was off to pick up an e-collar from a groomer friend to try to curb Har's horse chasing fetish. 

YEAH Amanda fixed my work toque!!

Picking up my shingles vaccine was next and a quick loop thru the thrift store again nothing to be found. A restock of booze and a bread box picked up however it seems I never clarified wood and this one is metal. It may work in my place, will see. Walmart was next for a few items then picked up an Opa wrap and tea for my lunch. OK and a Boston cream donut :) Then it was off to pick up Cooper, his food and a bag of cash for Shaina. I took a return parcel to the depot for her after printing her a label this am and lastly picked up the mail on our way home. Mail is overrated... and why we only go every few weeks.

Back at the ranch before 2 I unloaded Cooper, my goodies and let H out of her kennel Shaina left her in poor girl. It looked so warm and sunny I decided to take the dogs and cats for a walk. H was barking which usually means she is tattling on Cooper, sure enough I looked towards the winery and saw him and not 50 feet away a coyote eating something in the dirt. When I headed towards them the coyote took off to the winery and Cooper to me. The walk was a bit longer having to make sure Stella made her way back. 

hard to see but Cooper is to the left near trees and coyote behind the wellhead

Time to stage the vintage bar set in the amazing sunshine. I then had a video call from the paint course leader to consult me on B's dresser, seems I am doing things A OK.

I made the horse food and fed them seeing they were back to the barn for the hay that was left. What a difference a day makes? Today no wind and sunny had all the gang surrounding the feasting horses.

The cats were put away then I walked back to the winter pasture gates with the dogs to release the horses back into the hay field, Wouldn't you know it the coyote was coming out of the pit as I walked that way. The yard gate was closed and I came inside as it was sadly getting dusky at 4:30.

Shaina was busy catching up her work. I cooked up a pot of chili for supper that we ate after 6 and caught up a bit. She was off to bath while I got back to computer work. Britt arrived to get Cooper at 9, in and out. I finished up blogging with my iPad by my side and moved to my bed by 10.

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