Monday, November 15, 2021

Harley turns 2

H was up and ready for breakfast by 8 seeing she had a double whammy for her breakfast yesterday then fasted till this am. It is her 2nd birthday so her breakfast was worth the wait with her usual salmon, some boar beef combo and a herring along with pumpkin, veggies and her milk kefir. 

Here is her breakfast left then I chop and add water to slow the meal down and below I weigh out the frozen stuff and put in fridge for tomorrow morning. I have her at almost 4 pounds of food a day hoping to increase her weight which has dropped to 103 pounds.

It is a cool drizzly foggy day. I got laundry going and house tidying as the cleaner comes tomorrow. Ma and Pa opened their charcuterie board and sent pictures. They are planning to share it with 2 other couples tonight while playing cards.

Cheers to many more anniversaries and birthdays to these to wonderful parents xoxoxo

It sure looks tasty!

H's food was delivered early this week just after 11. S had ran out and opened the yard gate for him esp since the fog was thick. After our lunch of homemade guac and nachos I continued to tidy while S set out looking for the keys for the main gate arms. He looked in all the spots some twice and could not find where he put them The concern is if the weather stays dreary and no sun the solar panel may fault again and this time I cannot remove the arms to manually open the gates. I may be trapped here based on the weather and sunshine.

I gave H this mini for her bone as an afternoon birthday treat and man did she enjoy it.

while Sheldon drove back and forth in the fog to the gate H went along but preferred to stay napping in the merc between runs and after he stopped LOL

I went out and fed the horses, this video shows the foggy day.

The fog let up a bit when Sheldon left at 3:30 but soon rolled back in. Harley got an early supper seeing she ate breakfast early. It let up again for good I hoped at 4:30 so I headed out to put the kitties away with new raw cat food to dine on. I then hauled the 4 dining chairs still left out from delivery to the barn and wiped the rain off. Back inside I had leftovers for supper and got to work catching the blog posts for the last few days. The crazy forecasted winds blew in at 6:30 and sounded nasty.

I moved on to another online class module. Britt and Cooper arrived before 8 (she had a condo board meeting) for Coop to do his biz then catch Bad Blood to have his shoe pulled. Dave arrived and once done they stopped for a quick visit before heading home before 9. The winds got even more blustery and the temperature climbed to 7 now. I finished up the module and headed to bed to watch my iPad.

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