Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Hunting success

Sheldon was up before the crack of dawn but not Harley to go hunting. He made coffee and packed up his gear. He delivered me a coffee in bed at 7:30 and was off with his buddy Brett before 8. It was a frosty winter day out but as soon as the sun came up it shone brightly. H and I went and fed the kitties some raw and let them out in the -6 air. The little accent table I finished yesterday SOLD this am!!

I worked on marketing, ordering Harleys food with my spin and win 40% off and decorating the house. S text they had 1 then 2 deer in very short order. Easy hunting for those 2 it seems. Shaina and I ate the remaining texmex casserole for lunch then she was back to her calls and I decorating.

Along with my decorating I also whipped up a new batch of kombucha and bottled a pomegranate/lemon mix. I also hauled up a few things to restage in hopes of  increasing selling interest. Shaina joined Harley and I for a walk down road and back as it hit 0 out briefly around 2:30. We were back in time for her 3 pm call.

I am still torn on the desk, if only I could get the darn pink and green stains off. Today I tried nail polish remover and nothing. Shaina was off to the city to meet Emily for supper at 4:30 as the golden hour glowed. I finished up and came in to chop veggies for the soup. The scraps were blended and froze for H. I had my bowl as I watched the news at 5:30.

I started a paint module just as Britt arrived at 6:30. We visited as she ate her soup then she was off to feed the horses. I got back to my module. Sheldon and Brett pulled in at 7 to the shop to skin their deer. B was off for home at 7:30 and not long after a fellow arrived to purchase the cream jewelry box. I then got a message the gal whose husband picked up the corkboard today actually wanted the chalkboard. I misread LOL. So now I need to get the right one to B tomorrow night to swap on Friday.

I finished the module then watched the last Mrs Maisel. Shaina was back home before 9 and enjoyed a bowl of soup with Sheldon and Brett coming into the garage for beers soon after. Brett headed for home before 9:30 but this hunting has Harley all upset. Esp as S was washing tools in the garage and came in for soup at 10.

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