Thursday, June 24, 2021

RAIN, halleluiah ~~

H went to the garage today at 4:55 am, way too early miss. When I woke again around 7 I hear drips and at 8 it was raining, yeah!! We need it so bad and with that upcoming forecast I shared yesterday even more. I fed her and made a pot of coffee letting prince sleep in. He was up around 9:30 and remembered he had an online meet at 10 so hustled to get a cup down and into the bedroom. I worked on the blog loading all our photos and videos. Shaina was up for an iced coffee at 9 and back for breakfast around 10:30. I love how the rain is a straight down soaking rain.

I took the compost out to bury after 11 and checked the gauge; 1/2 and inch came down!! It was now pretty much finished but what a welcome rain. I tossed the 2 mares some hay and let out the kitties. It was a perfect time to pull weeds so after cutting one of my white peonies that was my task. S came out before 12 to use the dandelion tool then I picked and added to the bucket and give to the horses.

S came in and made tuna sandwiches for lunch for us while we watched the news. At 1 I was back out weeding the back flower bed, it looks so much better when done. S came out and brought the weed eater and mower over and got started on weed eating. I moved on to tree pruning of a few more dead branches and he mowing. The sun popped out at 2:30 and man did it get humid. My weeding moved to the island and in the end I delivered 5 tubs of dandelions to the horses.

Shaina moved onto the deck to work and enjoy some sunshine. I took a cold bottle of tepache to S in the shop as he was tinkering around now after mowing. It was such a gorgeous day with the half inch of rain then a beautiful sunny windless, bugless day hitting a nice 20. I added a layer of top coat to the coffee table.

Supper was a S famous go to with deer sausage and KD both on the BBQ, I sautéed zucchini and asparagus to go with. We ate late around 6:30 then Shaina was off to the gym passing B coming to eat just before 7. While B ate I added a second clear coat to the table. S was enjoying the hockey game. B was off to feed the horses as I took out the watermelon rinds to share with them too. S came out to join me for a quick west loop during intermission then he was back to the game. 

I went and watched B demonstrate her liberty work with Roo. Speaking of the accomplished B, I kept forgetting to share she passed her vet nursing requirements and accepted to take the test in Nashville in December, YEAH B!!

I ran out and snapped some pictures of the yard all tidy and trimmed and what will be the last of the green for some time.

Canadiens won their division and going to the Stanley cup, yeah Canada. I continued to work on the blog and computer work. Shaina was back before 10 and jumped in the shower. S put the skid steer back in so I could go get the kittens in for the night. BEAUTY night, and day for that matter!!

1/2" rain, low 20's, then full sunshine, no wind or bugs, all grass cut and loads of weeds picked for a tidy looking yard = best day of the year!!

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