Friday, June 4, 2021

Another 30 kinda day with WIND

Warm but windy day ahead even starting at 5:30 let out. There was a bit of a let up when I fed H so put the sprinkler on the forest and the willow. She also got a deer meat search while I hauled a bucket of water to elder. The cats were requesting food next :) Inside I got my cappuccinos going and laundry I have been putting off. A quick shower before stripping the bed and watering all the plants. I am wanting the rain to come as forecast this w/e but would really like the wind to blow away today.

I really need to get the vanity scrubbed to work on while it rains :) so that was next up. Bad idea to shower first though lol. It was so hot in the garage I tried opening the garage and man door a bit but it caused a wind tunnel blowing dust so I had to sweat it out with the scrubbing. I finished up as AJ, Craig and the 2 littles arrived before noon to clean carpets in the trailer. The littles hung out with me inside as I staged the coffee tables. 

They were off for town to get more supplies and the older 2 before 1. I dark waxed the last end table with a glass of kombucha then added it to the photo shoot. Now to put the living room back together and fold laundry loads as they finish.

I then rearranged the dining room to stage more of the fold down table then get it all put back in place. This led to cleaning and spraying the dining room window screens in the bathtub, much better.

In the hot box garage I sanded the drawer fronts and stool and set them all ready to paint. Now to get customers black color choice to go with the teal.

The wind let up a bit around 2:30 which was nice as the temps rose from 26 to 28. The Paetz crew returned before 3 to continue work on the trailer. I worked on getting yesterdays blog posted and laundry. The sun came out around 4 bringing the heat up to 29 and the high winds returned and it rose to 30. Aislyn and I went to put fresh water in the cats bowl.

The kids were having a freezie on the deck and we nearly blew away. Craig and Asher ran to town for a few things including their McDonald's supper. Amanda joined us on the deck until they returned with supper and they ate while holding everything from blowing away. C kindly brought me a mango smoothie, thanks buddy.

after every hose or bath a pony must roll in dirt it seems ;)

They were back to trailer duty once done and I got H fed her supper. I came in to get my coffee table set posted with the kids hanging inside where cooler. B and Coop arrived and we all went out; some to see the horses others to the trailer. Ada and Aislyn pet the horses while they ate and Ada even hosed Switch by herself once others let in.

B had wanted to ride but I said at 30 it might be to hot but at last minute we decided to just go bareback. Ada helped me brush the dried dirt of Switch after her roll and she and I doubled going around the paddock while Archie ran alongside with the 3 dogs and B on Roo. It was quite a menagerie. Arch then ran back and called to say time to go. We rode out to show them Ada's new adventure. 

Seeing B and I were planning to ride we said meet us at the gate but as we turned to head out Harley who was distracted with Clover and Cooper saw us leaving and came charging behind us. This caused the horses to spook forward. Switch lept forward thru the forest and my little passenger hung on tight behind me and we almost made it thru. Switch in her exuberation to get away from the large black lumbering "bear" behind us put her head down causing me to lose balance forward then she quickly turned right causing us to dismount unexpectedly. B caught Switch as Harley tried to lick our faces having caught up to us. Poor little Ada was most surprised and be darned if we did not land on her knee that was injured at school this week. Multiple hugs and we got her loaded up to head home. On the ride home Archie says "Ada why did you even get on that mustang?" :)

B and I followed along to the gate and back in the glorious golden house sunshine. The breeze had a positive side keeping the bugs mostly at bay. It was such a lovely night minus the wind. Roo got her minerals while I hand picked Switch dandelions to keep her occupied then the two of them shared the last few bites. B and Coop loaded up and were off.

H and I came in, she to nap and me a quick shower (washing another window screen while in there too), made the bed with fresh linen and get working on todays blog with my iPad by my side. Eventually I moved to my fresh bed to finish up another Underground Railroad episode.

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