Saturday, June 12, 2021

18 holes of golf

Sheldon fed H for the first time ever and let her out before 8:30. H put on coffee and I prepped yummy fresh fruit and blueberry scones for breakfast. Randy came in to join us, Shaina was the next to join before 10 and Yvonne around 10:30 after the guys headed out on the ranger to look for gophers.

The day was lovely and sunny 22 but there was a light breeze. We visited outside again and I did hand water my garden with Y helping me deadhead the Japanese peonies until a dark set of clouds sent us inside for a bit. During this time Shaina loaded up and headed to the city. Britt and her sidekick arrived to ride Bird then took her in to do her feet just in time. A very short few drops of rain did fall then blew over and was lovely. She continued her day riding Roo and other horse related things.

the shy kitties finally felt safe to come out and Stella was super curious of Merlot as was Cooper

just 3 dogs hanging out ;)

my lilacs are blooming but look at the size of the one bee compared to all the others.. he was like a hummingbird!

We headed off to our golf game at Spear Grass after 2:30. The carts were loaded a beverage bought and ready for a 3:15 tee off for 18 holes. The weather stayed lovey with a fairly steady but light breeze that kept bugs away. We had a quick stop after 9 at the clubhouse to use bathroom and grab a drink then off for 9 more. I could easily have been done at 9 seeing it has ben probably 8 or more years since I golfed. Randy was tuckered out not long after but we made out way thru 18 holes taking 5 hours.

this was my Investors Group ball that I donated to the course along with about 10 others LOL

couple of old stoggie smoking buddies

I videoed the wrong hit, right after this he smoked a mulligan

selfie expert I am not :)

check out this view and this drive

last 2 holes are fab

Back at the house we found Britt and Dave practicing polocrosse with her new rebounder she scored for $10. She hoped S could pick up for her but luckily she had a friend with a shiny new big truck to help her.

S barbequed burgers and hotdogs which we all enjoyed after our sun filled exercise day. B and D came in to visit. Poor little blind deaf Merlot took a 8 foot drop down our stairwell after she walked thru the railing but did bounce off the hand rail. I scooped her up and she shook it of, what a tough little 7 pound pup. B then headed out to start a fire while we finished eating then joined them. the wind picked up and it was a blustery smoke swirling campfire. B and her fellows were off for home around 11 with the rest of us heading to bed not long after. S had a shower before crawling into bed but I was too tired to shower so watched some Netflix.

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