Monday, June 21, 2021

3 sale day!!

So the robins have not been hitting the windows for awhile now but today it was the cacophony of magpies that felt I needed to be awoken by 6 am. WTH, they are so noisy, must be what it would be like living in a monkey reserve LOL. Of course they eventually woke H who was inside so I let her out and to the garage early then out to feed at usual time. It was then to the let out kitties and toss the girls a flake of hay each and deadhead some flowers. It is a beauty day out with no wind and loads of sunshine.

I got my cap and marketing underway, Shaina was up to get hers going before 10. She looked a place Friday to sublet a friends house in the city for July and August so will be moving in July 1. Looks like both girls will be in a new place.

I jumped in the shower quick before heading out to work on the coffee table. The base was dark waxed but the top looks too red so not going to leave as natural. I applied white stain which did nothing with the red tones and creamy base so added dark stain while wet. It created a unique look that may be perfect, will see when dry.

nah I am not a fan of this combo

nor this white wash that looks pink so will see how the walnut added below looks when dry

Back to the pedestal table; top was touched up with stain marker and the pedestal was reglued and clamped. Hopefully this works. Time to stop for a lunch break. I made a yummy salad for Shaina and I, she grabbed hers and back to her office. Before heading back to the garage I set up the water on willow for a bit. It is going to get hot today and hotter tomorrow. We really need rain.

I went with an antiquing top coat for the table top and applied 2 coats. The base was wood filled on all the cracks as well as an edge on the table apron.

I hauled in the coffee table to stage even though not quite dry but I am running out of room so need to get on the market.

Craig was out around 4 to hook up the trailer and get it town town. They have reservations at Mt Kidd for the next 2 weeks. He pulled out and I pulled the horse trailer up to barn and unloaded the bottles to the shed, chairs and bed frame up to the 100 degree mez. As I was doing so Shannon arrived and her and Shaina hit the sunny 28 degree deck to visit. Not long after a gal arrived to pick up the yellow chair.

Once she was on her way I got back to updating my sites and blog before a bowl of chili. B and Cooper were out at the usual time, fed horses then I helped her vaccinate the horses. Shaina was just eating a bowl after Shannon was off at 6:30 and she came out and caught KD for her shot then back to her office. B and C headed home after 7 as I put the water on the peonies for a bit. 

An Etsy customer sent a few messages asking if I could lower the shipping on my blue magazine rack but I had to disappoint and say no as Canada Post sets the high fees. It is on sale I told her which helps offset shipping. Not long after I had the cash register chime, now to get it from the candy store in town where it is on display.

I posted the coffee table on the usual sale sites and in just over an hour a customer inquired and asked about doing it in walnut: just like I would have normally done. So I hauled it back out and put on a coat of walnut.

Shaina and I then went for our walk with H in the lovely sunshine. I had set up the water on the new lilacs but it was being silly like it does so after a bit I shut it off. The kitties were put away with food in their super warm barn. Weeds were picked but it was quick as mozzies were out. Inside Shaina was making us a smoothie as I did the water kefir and put the crystals to rest. She headed to the deck to study while I caught the blog up while watching Manifest.

Inside Shaina made popcorn as per usual, shared a bowl then off to her room. I was watching iPad in bed when S arrived home after 10:30. He now has 3 weeks off much to his pleasure. Today was a great 3 sale day, thank you!

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