Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Working on a project

Why do I wake at 4-5-6-7 and clock watch? I want to sleep till 7 and go from there :) Anyway I was up after 7 and took out miss H. This off leash is not always working as there was a nest of dead mice she found in the mowed east pen awhile back but today off leash she found it again and grabbed a dead mouse. Of course when I said to drop it and come to get it she ran and thought it was a blast. I am not sure if she actually swallowed it as I was trying to turn and run other way to get her to follow then back and when I got her it was not to be seen ;/ So we went and got the leash to go get J and do a poop scoop loop. 

Breakfast was mixed up with a bit of frozen kong while I got blog up and a FB post then out to do some training and eating. We ran quick to storage trailer to double check a piece then back to garage where I scrubbed up the tea cart.

While the tea cart dried I came in and wrote a tutorial for the green S&P set while H napped on her cushion. I put the chicken bones on to make soup too. A fellow came out from Calgary to buy a large armoire I decided not to paint after 11:30. I opened the yard gate, helped him and his son load it up and they were off. The kitties were moved up stairs for the day.

eye update.. good thing going to vet tomorrow to get the low down

After a piece of leftover sausage for lunch H and I went out for a loop around the south and west fences on a long line for some recall training. Of course J had to follow along. We checked the dirt piles being dumped as the dirt guy was here again at noon.

slowly but surely the pit is getting fuller

see the wee nails the fellow put in around the spokes? then I wood filled some chipped out areas

Back to the house it was time to get to work on the tea cart. I did some repairs, edges sanded then started putting on the first coat of concealer. I took a break when I saw Cooper out the window at 2:30. 

He and H had a grand old play time till they left after 3. Watch the 3 video series below.

We headed back to the garage to continue work on the tea cart why H snoozed till 5:30 when I fed H then came in to finish the soup. I had lots of leftovers to add so was pretty easy after the bones were picked. It tasted delicious!

Time then to work on tutorials and the blog. After hoping for soup H finally went back to sleep. It is pitch black by 7:30. Again H did not want to go out so before 8 I went and put the kittens and their goodies back in the stall taking J over as well and feeding him and putting away for the night. Once I was back she was up so took her out for her evening loop then to the garage where I put the first coat of stain on the top. To avoid the smell all night I brought her into the office kennel for the night then I was off to bed watching various shows till after 10.

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