Friday, October 16, 2020

Snow came as predicted

A whimper at 8 awoke me, oops sorry Harley. I jumped into my PJ pants and housecoat and let her out then walked her around to the garage for breakfast. In for the Kong and marketing and a coffee after it went off at 8:30. It is another brisk overcast day with snow supposedly after lunch. Best get out to the kittens and let them out and J after feeding. The horses were in the SE corner so I jumped on the quad and took H for her first quad run which went well. Switch got her eye meds then we came back to the garage to put the clear coat on the nightstand.

showing the kittens the heat lamp

S spent the morning on the net with his coffees and toast then headed out at 11 to put some of his research into action. The merc vapor locking gas tank was the issue. I got busy writing the tea cart tutorial while H napped on her bed. S tried to take her out after he stopped in for a bathroom break but she preferred to go eat some horse poop then back in to her bed.

S was back in for lunch and news as I was whipping up some fresh banana bread. I went and buried the peels only to have Harley dig them up and eat them right behind me LOL. After all my videos uploaded I finally was able to publish the tea cart tutorial. Before 1 seeing the horses were near the yard gate I walked out and gave Switch oral and eye meds opening the gate for S who was off to town to try filling the merc with fuel and test his repair.

I continued working on tutorials while the banana bread cooked. I had just taken it out when S was back with hot pumpkin spice teas. Perfect to go with fresh banana bread. Also, the fuel fix worked like a charm! Not long after he was home the snow blew in as forecast after 2:30. He started a fire and back in to big brown then to the couch to watch some Down to Earth I suggested.

He also seems to be the instigator of rough housing and non allowed couch behavior

Shaina arrived around 4 in the snow. I forgot to mention she met the fellow last night for get the ruler that is making its journey to Ft Mac, thanks Dude! xoxo She also took J who had been hunkered in the garage today out to the shop to organize him and the kitties leaving them all together for the night. It will be a challenge keeping both eating their own food and may not share the heat lamp but fingers crossed.

Supper was another roasted squash with chicken wings and Sheldon made his favorite KD. We were finishing up eating when Britt and Coop stopped out before 6. (she was off early today) She came in for supper and let the pups play then went out with them. Harley was brought back in when she hiked out in the snow to feed Bird and her kitten time. She and Coop headed home after 7 as now pitch black. Shaina headed to her room and S big brown by the fire of course after supper. The snow had let up but is sure heavy and wet hovering around plus 1 today but says high was 5 but now around 0 at 7:30. Again I tried to convince H to go out a few times as well as when Shaina came up for a snack around 9 but no thanks. I started a new Netflix show called Dream House Makeover watching 3 episodes.

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