Saturday, October 3, 2020

Harley goes off leash

Miss H was ready to a bathroom break after her early to bed. I jumped into my sweats and were were out before sunrise. Looks like another beauty day ahead. She had loads of energy today too so some fetch in the pen and breakfast search in the grass. Inside she polished off her qwizel of frozen food then chilled on the deck with J joining off an on. I wrote a tutorial for the white chairs I will deliver Monday while enjoying my caps and the quiet morning. Ok there were cows bawling nearby for a bit and gun shots but mostly quiet :)

cuties xoxo above and below

After another walk to go lock up the horses and loop around the west and south sides we ended up in the garage where I started scraping off the chipped finish on the tea cart. 

As I was working I heard a dog bark outside, Cooper? Sure enough Britt was at the horses catching Brid to feed. She had ran to the city and picked up a set of fancy new to her tires and grabbed minerals on her way back home. I brought Harley out for a play then put her on the deck and came in for a quick bowl of sweet potatoes and cup of ice tea for lunch.

B caught Pepper and KD to do their feet. I went and got my gear on too. My first customer pickup arrived just as I started but was a quick grab, pay and off. Thanks Brenda.

The next pickup was the navy table done weeks ago. We had a short visit and they then were off and I was back to task. B and I got them done but not without some cussing and KD pooped on me; first time ever. It was the perfect weather hitting 21 with just a bit of a breeze to keep us cool. Once done an horses off we let Harley off leash for the first big time with Cooper. She is that big kid in the class that doesn't know she is and there were a few overzealous plays but they both did really well chilling off and on. B and C were off at 3. She opened the pasture gate on way out and I closed the yard gate.

funny action capture and a video

In the garage I attempted to work on the tea cart but my actual shadow kept standing next to me and this fine dust is not good for her so I gave her a water bath. Seeing last time we needed a few washers I stuck with just bucket and clear water and a towel and it went really good. She liked the scratching portion best. Time for a cold beer so inside at 3:30 with H getting another frozen qwizel. I worked on the blog while she napped then jumped in the shower just before 5 getting out as Sheldon drove up to the house.

Look at the insane price of bones... basically what they toss out unless they can sell to sucker dog owners. A friend's butcher sells an entire cow leg for $2 which is far more reasonable!

Items unloaded and seeing it was such a lovely day now 23 we enjoyed a cold drink on the deck with Miss H who moved between us two for pets and pestered J as he lounged with us too. It was then time to cook supper; corn & sliced mushrooms from the food box and new sausage S picked up in the Hat with loads of other leftover options and pickles. Yum.

It was dark after 7 now and once we were done we called J and took him tot he shop to put in for the night. I fed the kittens and corralled them and took back to their stall and Harley did her business before we came back into the house all off leash again. She napped in her kennel and we had a repeat of last night. We went to bed at 8 to watch/do our tablet stuff and when I went to take her out after 9 she was no I am good, goodnight :). It was a very busy day for this girl.

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