Wednesday, October 14, 2020

First snow of 2020

 I thought I heard H around 6:30 so got up to check. She was quiet in kennel but the ground was covered in snow. I did hear her squeak before 7:30 so let her out into the snow world. She was tentative at fist so I put on shoes and out on the deck in housecoat, glad only 0 out and off the deck she went. She did her business X 2 and raced a loop or two then back inside. Short stop to dry feet then to garage for breakfast then in for her puzzle toy while I checked mail, Of course she wanted back out to loop around and 2X poops then in. S was rousted now 8:30 to make some coffee on this winter looking day.

I stenciled the growth ruler. S ventured out to unhook all the hoses and let J out taking Harley who pooped again (5 times before 10 am LOL). I then saw him jump on quad and head out looking out other windows I saw a black dog looping in paddock and horses running. Seems S lost track of his charge and she went on a walk about or a run about it seems. Inside to nap in the kennel and dry off. The sun was out and all the snow was melting making for some mucky messes.

The ruler was taken back to the garage to get clear coats added. Shaina was up around 11 and made scrambled eggs for us all. Thanks roomie. I hiked out in the melting snow and sunshine around 11:30 to administer eye and oral meds to Switch.

Mine and B's overwintering plants

After lunch S hit big brown for a rest, moved his pump kindly scooped poop then was back in big brown for a nap. I put 2 coats of clear on the growth ruler, scrubbed the stencils, loaded ruler and the demi lune table in Shaina's jeep to take to the city for me, pulled some carrots, buried compost and prepped to leave for lessons. Shaina spent her time tidying her room before heading to the city around 3.

S was rousting from his nap when H and I were heading out to her training lesson. We arrived early as usual and waited. The sun had melted all the snow and was a warm wait in the car. Lesson went well with review and a new fancy finish to a recall. She also got to do hurdles up to 4 boards. We were finished by 3:38 and on our way. We swung thru town to pick up some heated dishes from a gal, stop and let Cooper out and turn his TV back on, make a deposit at the bank, get Tim's ice caps, pumpkin muffins and tim bits for H then grabbed the mail and back to the ranch after 4:30.

S was outside having had a beer in the barn with the kittens when we pulled in. He cleaned the 2 heated dishes and tested them but sadly the big one was a non working one, drats! The horses were in for water so I went an put ointment in Switch's eye. Two parcels were delivered when I was gone; both for Harley. She was stoked for her new jolly ball. We had to go out and try it out and she was very interested in the bags of liver treats that help her return her ball.

Watch her first ball playing videos

Supper was good ole leftovers then I got busy trying to catch up blog and some marketing. S went to put the kittens and J away then down to TV room. B and C stopped late today at 8. We had to bring Cooper in to get lazy lou out of her kennel but was only out for a short play then back in and they were off. I wrote a tutorial on Tuesday I forgot to share with you for the IOD stamps on the crate. Tonight I am working on one of the navy tables tutorial but can't publish till the company releases the new line.  H was tucked in for the night and I joined S who was relaxing in bed watching Ozark on his tablet. I started a new series called Down to Earth... very interesting, watch it!

Look what was in the mail!! Now to hope the border is open by then, what are your thoughts?

Thanks to Shaina for taking in the demi lune table and meeting the lady tonight, this cutie is sold.

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