Tuesday, October 6, 2020

21 degrees, I'll take it

The wind was a bit blustery but the day looks like another lovely one ahead as we did our loop, breakfast search and kitty care. I put the kittens upstairs for the day as they are finally gaining weight and love to run. I have increased Harley's food amount which in turn has increased her pooping, 3 in the first loop. Today I cracked the second dog food bag. The first lasted just over 3 weeks. Back on the deck H laid in the sun for a bit. I watched from the window often to see her interaction with J as I worked on the blog with my cappuccino.

 This was funny when J offered to give Harley a massage like he used to to big D. Video below

Sharon had invited me for coffee and I totally forgot till she text after 9. I hurriedly got dressed, put H in her kennel with her frozen treats and headed over before 10. This is the FIRST time I have left her alone with no one. Sharon and I had a good 2 hour visit and I was back after 12 to a resting puppy. 

Outside we went for 2 more poops!! Fresh water was put in her bucket and the 2 planters watered too. 

It is so nice to still have blooms and warm weather, this was a year ago on the 8th. 

I looped the yard scooping poop and picked a zucchini, production is almost finished but I cant pull them while they still try. :) Time to head in and have a tuna sandwich then work on the blog.

Dog training lesson #3 is today at 3 so I loaded up the turquoise growth ruler and Harley and we were off after 2. I noticed the dirt guy had dumped a load I totally missed seeing him come in and out. We arrived at lessons again 15 minutes early and had to wait around. Lessons were a review then working on a new one H had a poop mid walk which stopped all lesson activity till cleaned up and bleached. Then we worked on stay & recall before class ended.

She and I were back to Strathmore by 4 dropping off a letter in the mail then to Britt's to let Cooper out. I swung thru Tim's a grabbed an ice cap and a muffin as it was a warm 21 but WINDY day. Last stop was to drop off the turquoise growth ruler and get the $$ for the pink one.

Back at the ranch by 4:30 and inside for a rest for H and me to do a bit of marketing then out for her supper with some training practice for food at her usual 5:30 ish feed time.

These are the repaired wheels B brought last night from customer drop off and below is Stolz's new sign hung.

I went with a vegetarian for supper and was just eating my corn on the cob when B & C arrived at 6. She was feeding Bird when H and I went out. I took the 2 dogs to the east pasture to play then we went to the barn captured the kitties and moved all the food, water and litter back to the stall and B was off to a condo board meeting. H and I went and got J and put him away for the night opening his food cabinet. On route back to the house she had poop #8, Holy crap increasing her food by 1 cup and having the soaked frozen kong really loosens this girl up.

Inside she relaxed on her bed while I wrote the blog and watched videos. Around 8:30 I coerced her literally out of the kennel she had just moved to from her bed to go to sleep and out for a potty break. She peed and thankfully seemed out of poop for the day but we did play fetch with the ball and laid on the grass in the beautiful now windless night. So glad it is not snowy like last year. Back inside and to bed for her and not long after for me for some video viewing. Tonight was a change of pace to Etsy & social media tips.

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