Thursday, October 15, 2020

Brisk fall day

7:40 it was a chilly frost on the water bucket morning as H did her thing on her own while I watched from inside warmth. Breakfast was in the now heated garage, I even had to turn down yesterday as it was hotter then the house. Inside she had her frozen treat while I did a bit of marketing. S got his coffee going but it was still set to strong from Shaina yesterday so I passed after first cup and made a cappuccino for my second cup.

H and I went out to let out the kitties then walk way out to the horses hunkered down on the north fence line taking her new ball. Bitter wind, good thing for my warm Crafty Crochet headband. Her eye looks good I think but will keep up the meds as per Dr. B. Back to the house I started on my gardening pulling the frozen plants and digging my 4 remaining potato hills. Of course H wanted to steal the potatoes even with her new ball nearby.

S came out to give a hand and loaded up the spent plants while I scooped out the horse trailer and closed up windows. He took my dug potatoes to the tack room for now to stay a bit cool but not freeze fingers crossed we don't forget them. I dug all my carrots too and once scrubbed 1 large zip lock bag for my years work growing them. S put away the bistro set and moved planters under the deck while I put away the deck decor, chair etc prepping for the impending snow they are forecasting.

Then I was back to the garage to paint a second coat on the nightstand before lunch. A paint package was delivered while we were eating walked up right to the door from the yard gate.; great service FedEx. After lunch S went to push the dirt that has been delivered around the pit while I followed him on the quad to go give Switch her oral and eye meds. The sun comes out now and then but it is still a biting wind and only 8.

time to weigh miss H - 82 pounds

I worked on tutorials, S was back in hour for his nap. Once he got up we headed out to the shop; me to capture the kittens and put in their stall and he to move stuff around to park for the winter. I put away more planters, put away the bird bath and moved the angel to the deck. It looks total cleared up out front. The dirt guy arrived having troubles with the gate so S went to give him a hand. The horses were in for water so Switch got eye meds #3 for the day.

The customers arrived soon after just before 5:30 to pick up their cabinet. S took H to the garage to distract while they loaded it and were on their way. Then it was time to get cooking our steak supper. It was delicious with corn on cob, sweet potato and fresh zucchini. I was washing pots when Britt and Coop arrived after 7. She took Harley out then I came out once finished. I put J in while she fed Bird. I was the dog treat giver too ;) Cooper is my super buddy when he smells treats.

They loaded up and were off before 8 and I hit the shower. S had hit big brown after supper enjoying some pie then to TV room. Then he moved to bed to watch Ozark. After my computer work I crawled in and watched more Down to Earth.

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