Friday, May 1, 2020

May 1

May 1st, where did you come from?? Today is a gorgeous sunny day ahead. I awoke to a message that my stenciled dresser was chosen top 5 makeovers in April on an Instagram page so had to get it shared up for my followers and family to vote for it.

However when I got up out of bed I had usually long dizziness and weird off balance feeling. I tried a cappuccino while I answered emails and did marketing but it got worse. The delivery guy stopped at 10 with my wallpaper from Sweden so I did a live opening of it.

This is the wall I plan to put it on.

I researched ways to get rid of vertigo as that is what it feels like. No luck. Next I took a gravol seeing I was feeling nauseous, hopping in the shower then crawled into bed at noon for a wee nap. It seems the combo helped as feeling much better when I awoke at 12:30. YAY!

The day was so lovely, I pushed out the plant cart into the 15 sunshine. The Shubert trees are leafing out!! Last night inspired me to root some violets so I propagated some leaves and potted them up. I tried the first container but too short so opted for the pretty cake serve as the terrarium. The horses were close so ran out their meds before getting dressed for the day finally.

I installed the chicken wire in the wall cabinet then painted a second coat on and left to dry.

This am I had the lovely cash register sound go off with an Etsy sale. It was the navy and copper salt and pepper set so I got them all boxed up, label made and they are ready to head to Massachusetts .

The round dining table is being picked up today so hauled it up and laundry was thrown in too. I am so glad I am feeling much better as I would hate to waste such a lovely day. I finally felt like eating so had the left over Chinese food at 3:30 as a brupper of sorts.

Back to the garage to wax the shadow box. I brought the jewelry box I had stained the top of the other day and painted it the same linen color as shadow box and buffet while watching the news.

The round dining table was picked up after 6 with a quick load and on their way back in the sunshine. Thanks Shelly and Hugh. After 2 coats of paint the jewelry box was taken out sand distressed and waxed and left again to dry.

I was marketing when Britt and Cooper popper out. She had picked up new meds for Lola. She gave her the injection while I brushed more hair. This poor girl has hair overload. I moved in my plants while B went to check horses. Seeing the dogs were going to head south I called them for a walk to go meet Britt. The golden hour is my favorite so was well worth it. They then loaded up and headed home at 8 as I got back to marketing. B took the parcel to drop at the mail tomorrow too, thanks!

Shaina called with fab news, she WON the personal fitness contest she has been training for for the last 8 weeks. There were 1600 women entered and probably as many men and she was #1. Just look at her results, how could she not have won!! What did she win you ask? $8000 US (6 months) in personal online coaching with this famous Australian coach. WAY TO GO!! 

As I headed to bed at 10:30 I realized my clean sheets were still in the dryer LOL Not long after I crawled into my nice cozy bed to catch some Netflix. Don't you love the feeling of fresh linens and a comfy bed?

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