Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Paddocks scooped

Sun and wind today.. hmmm. This is not the best for pen cleaning but it will have to do as rain is coming, fingers crossed. After our morning coffee and scrabble games S ran to town for new suction hose and a few groceries at 10. We could not have our tacos last night for cinco de mayo as no veggies in the house but will have tonight. I worked on the buffet top trying a water based poly now the oil based had dried. Then while it dried I wrote a tutorial for the navy and copper set that was off this w/e. I gave a 2nd coat as I headed outside.

S was back in an hour hooking up the new hose to get the water tanks emptied. I scooped poop in paddocks by hand into wheel barrow. We loaded it up into the dump trailer S had not hooked up to after parking the horse trailer and we set off for out days big plan: loading the piles I made. Our weeks food box delivery was dropped as we were loading. The clouds were now rolling in.

Funny how the horses think you have something good to share at first but eventually they were off. We picked up the first 2 piles. While S was dumping I ran in to grab us a cold beer, bring in the food box and put a 3rd coat on the buffet quick. We did the last 2 paddocks; putting the 2 shelter wall boards back on I popped off , set up the far paddock water trough & filled.

The horses of course followed us in which made it easy to move to the next step of sorting. S went to dump the last load while I hiked back and forth to each paddock filling salt/mineral tubs after moving the water sprinkler on yard grass. I then caught and moved 4 of the horses to the two other paddocks. S was having battery issues all this time and not able to dump the load. He walked back to the house where I was letting Daisy and Switch in the last paddock.

He and I jumped in the ranger with another battery and booster cables and headed back to the trailer. No luck. We came back for the power pack and still no luck even after a few other change up to the circuit. The wind picked up and a few drops of rain started as we headed back to the house after 4.


I started taco supper seeing we have only had toast so far to eat all day. S put one battery on to charge and was in to kick back and eat tacos when ready. I am happy with the buffet top, it is now complete!

Britt and Cooper popped out, I headed out with her to check Bandit's eye and hold Bird's feed tub while she shortened his back toes. The wind was cold and yucky but we got it done and they were off. Showers and relaxing evening once back inside. I had moved in drawers then had S help me carry in the buffet to stage tomorrow.

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