Friday, May 29, 2020

Lola comes home

best way to start the day

Friday and awake at 6:30, go figure. I tried to go back to sleep but no luck so I got up and by 7:30 I had closed the hydrant and fed the cats. A cappuccino and 6 or so pizzelles energized me to go get mowing the lawn by 8:30! I finished the yard, laneway and approach just before 11.

yay blossoms and below use your imagination and think pretty flower lined driveway ;)

I called to check on Lola and they said she was ready to be picked up by 11:30. Holy cow, I loaded the trash and was off dropping it at the dump and arriving right on time. The tech came out to give the coles notes and meds then she was brought out. We loaded her in the car and set off for home with a quick stop in town at Paetz's to pick up a parcel Sheldon had delivered there. Then it was home to get the patient all set up. She had no interest in a bathroom break even after they said she would not go there. I set up the puppy pen in the shade by the cargo trailer and she was happy as a peach. I even got the ice pack propped on her leg while I went in to paint a 3rd coat of milk paint on 2 of the coffee tables.

Next up was setting the water on the flower bed and pruning a few trees I noticed while mowing. Then back to painting; the oval was sanded then the tops got another clear coat. The top of the long one was white washed then all brushed washed up.

I did a repair and added wood filler, note to self do not use the color change wood filler as milk paint activates the colorant

I moved Lola to the front deck which was a bit of a chore then put on her cone as she was now starting to lick. This set about a very anxious time in her life now as it runs into things she cant lick her main drugs were wearing off so at 6 I gave her a sedative. I started up the A/C as think she will need to just stay inside but took off the dirty rugs off the deck, swept and put down a clean one. She really seemed anxious so we went down for a short tour that ended with her doing her business in the east paddock grass then laying down on a sit in. It is a beautiful night so can't blame her to be out in the sun. The down side is mosquitoes were out and biting her bare skin which of course she cannot bite or scratch. I finished the deck as she decided to mossie on under the deck. No way lady even though it is cool it is dirt so I followed her under and back out. This time she was not keen to try the stairs so I just carried her with arms and the sling. And into the house where I had set up the back entry for her. But I broke the baby gate trying to put it in place, sheesh. It will hold for now till she gets rammy. She was not fond of being in here even with A/C and wanting to come in any other day. Eventually she laid down and I put the ice pack back on and got to writing the spool tutorial.

Britt and Cooper arrived around 7:30 fed and stopped in to visit the patient then jetted home by 8. I finished the tutorial and caught up this blog, gave Lola her evening meds at 9:30 (she is like a little old lady with her pill assortment). I finished up computer work, had a quick shower and went to start season 4 of Animal Kingdom just loaded on Netflix but Lola was whining. Could she really need another bathroom break? I hauled her out and it seems she just wanted to scent the air and sit on the cool grass and look around her ranch. I let her do this for a bit but then walked her to the garage where it seems she wanted to be and left her there for the night. I watched only one episode and shut it off by 11, who am I? :)

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