Sunday, May 24, 2020

Super Sunday with B

Sunshine is back and so welcome!! What a great way to wake up even if it is early on a Sunday. I did some marketing and computer work with my morning cappuccinos then got dressed in going to the city clothes. Britt picked me up after 11 and we were on our way to the city to hit the now open Homesense: B and my favorite décor store. She had brought me a chai tea, THANKS B!!

We did not mind standing in line on such a nice day and once inside we found quite a few treasures. B has a very long list and was spending her birthday $$. It was VERY busy in this store and did not seem much different then before except hand sanitizer supplied when you walk in and 30% wearing masks but there was not allot of distancing to be seen. This seems to be self managed only.

Next was Winners where I had a couple returns from way back in March. This line took allot longer as only 50 ppl in store max (Homesense was 100). Here we found some goodies too but pretty much in and out. This store had better distancing and a few masks. B wanted to check out IKEA but when we drove by and saw the Disneyland ride lines we kept on driving. B swung north to hit the last store Marshalls in east Hills. No line here and less people in the store. Again we found a couple things then headed home as neither of us had ate yet except a muffin B had bought.

On route home we drove to B's place unloaded her items then went by Paetz's before 3 to grab a couple seed potatoes they had left for me. Of course this had us visiting in the glorious sunshine watching Ada in her new roller blades and Archie buddy biking with Craig.

Back at the ranch we ate a bowl of soup then headed out to ride. This time we started in the round pen then out to the field. Bird's new food has her really ready to go ;) We then took the ranger to the gate to pick up a coffee table I was donated and put it in the garage.

Bird's progress photo

B and Cooper headed home around 5:30. I planted a couple potatoes and had cut the rest in half leaving to callous overnight. B was back at 6:30 with Bandit's meds, gave it and was off again. Seeing it was such an amazing evening I grabbed my gardening tools and dug dandelions in the back flower bed for a couple hours feeding to the horses. Lola and I came in at 8:30. I hit the shower, had some salad and did some computer stuff then crawled into bed with a smoothie to enjoy some Netflix while watching the crazy sunset that ended with this neat moon and colors.

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