Sunday, June 30, 2019

First swaths of the season

These long days of summer are beautiful but the early start to them with a cacophony of birds outside my window is NOT! I was awake at 6:30 today thanks to them. I tossed and turned and tried ear plugs with no luck so got up and did marketing and blog updates. Grama was up just before the coffee grinder went off. She and I had a coffee soon to be joined by Candace, then Papa and eventually sleeping beauty after 9.

over in BC Shaina is catching some sun and fun

Toast and coffees all around and more visiting before they loaded up and were headed east around 11. S and I unloaded furniture and moved some from the garage to the storage trailer and B's tack trunk in the barn. We ran to town quick trying to find something to help with wind by my new rose bushes. We hit every hardware store and finally at the last one, Home Hardware we found actual wind screen. We decided to go with burlap though as cutting the screen would not be good and only needed a certain height.

Back home I made us a healthy protein smoothie for lunch then S had a nap. I went out to water my garden and pots then got started on the wind break. It ended up turning out really good and hope it helps and can withstand the wind too.

Once awake, S worked on getting the swather ready to cut hay. Britt and Cooper arrived around 4 as he was just taking it out to make a few rounds. I made us a yummy spinach salad fresh from my garden along with corn on the cob that was so yummy. S also had lasagna Grama brought along once he was back in from the test drive ;)

After eating he went back out to try and sniper a few rascally gophers that eluded him earlier then quickly mowed the main lawn. I worked on the blog with a cappuccino having made one for B too who spent the entire time setting up her flash new iPhone.

She did run out and give supplements quick though. I went out to dead head the lilacs and pruned a few trees. I found another suffering poplar. A picture to Mom had a call saying it looked like scale and needed to be treated ASAP, so morning it will be.

B ran to town and brought us back DQ blizzards, it is last day of increased calories, THANKS B!! As I was watching Netflix I had 2 dogs playing wildly on our bed LOL

Saturday, June 29, 2019

Off to the Races

The day started out a gorgeous sunny day. Coffee in bed at 8:30 and relaxing before Grama and Papa came up for coffee and breakfast at 9:30.

I took the horses their supplements before Sheldon and I loaded Britt's sofa table and the red antique chair up to take along to the races today. Lexi loaded herself up in the truck at the same time not wanting to miss a ride anywhere.

We all loaded up and headed west about 11:30. First stop was to Britt's to drop off Lexi to hang out with Cooper for the day and drop off her new sofa table. Grama and Papa got the apartment tour and not long after we were off to the races.

B had booked a table inside the restaurant where we caught the first 4 races with lunch and a drink. Candace arrived and we headed to the outside area to catch the other 5 races of the day. It was a nice sunny but windy day. Dave did well in his 3 races. I met my planter chair customer in the parking lot mid day which worked out well.

Dave and Retros Mystery for the big win

After the races finished we set out for supper at Milestone's at the mall. Dave was even able to join us. We all went for a barn tour after supper then back to their house for a beverage and a visit.

How many can you fit in one truck backseat?

Papa giving Frankie some black licorice

The dining set she was borrowing was loaded in the truck seeing she had purchased a new used set along with her used trunk for tack to bring back home.

The sofa table now plant stand all set up in B's place 

We all convoyed home with the girls getting back at 9:30 and the fellows not long after. We visited over a beer before calling it a night after 11. I watched an episode of Instant Hotel before trying to sleep.

the pinks opened to be just as big as the reds, THANKS AJ, I <3 them!!

Friday, June 28, 2019

Friday afternoon party goers

My wakeup call today was at 7:45 am with Lexi puking on the carpet by our door, yuck. For the next half hour I tried scrubbing with different concoctions and finally hauling out my steamer. Hopefully it does not stain bile yellow ;(

On the plus side I got to marketing early and found I had an Etsy sale for the navy silver ware chest. Coffee went off after 8:30 which motivated the packaging up process. I also did a live unboxing of my paint parcel delivered yesterday.

S was on slow start but once coffee injected he was off to do a few last minute things on the truck at 10 before running to town for bolts and a few other errands at 11. I was on kitchen cleaning duty before heading to the garage to get working on the chair. I was just starting the glazing after distress sanding when Candace, Grama and Papa pulled in at 11:45. They visited and enjoyed their hutterite treats they bought along the way while waiting for Sheldon to get back from town and change to go.

This is Kaylin at 9 months wearing an outfit Candace got from China from Sheldon's Godmother, the party they are attending

They were all off in 2 cars to S's godmother's 80th birthday party in Calgary at 12:30. I got back to my glazing so it has time to dry before delivery tomorrow. Lola has her 3rd chiro at 2pm today and before loading her up I ran and gave Bird her gastro and took off her blanket in this warm 22 sunshine.

Lola was nervous at her appointment without her buddy Cooper but did well. We made a stop at Amanda's on our way home for a quick visit and to score some gorgeous peony blooms. THANK YOU!! The kids were enjoying a water toy Kaylin had dropped off for Ada's birthday.

Back home I finally grabbed a tuna sandwich for lunch and a cold beer. A customer arrived soon after to drop off a chair she is wanting custom painted along with some pieces she does not want. Once we picked her chair color she was off.

I staged a couple pictures of the antique pot chair. I sure wish I had a flowering pot to put in it but she says she will send one once she gets it set up. I then came in and wrote the long detailed tutorial for the blue dark stained dresser and got it sent to all sponsors and posted.

I was still working on it when Sheldon, Ma and Pa returned at 5:30 from their afternoon party. Not long after the fellows changed their clothes and went to finish the truck then took it for a spin. Grama perused the internet sitting in the sunshine. I ran out and gave the horses their supplements and did a bit of plant bug care.

Once finished with his truck repairs, the fellows came in to join us for bean dip I made and snacks. This progressed to a campfire with hotdogs to round out the evening events. I did pop back in a bit earlier to get the marketing caught up then enjoyed starting the new season of Instant Hotel on Netflix.

Thursday, June 27, 2019

Sugaring swap for services

Today I was awoken by thunder at 3:15 am. Knowing there was lots of rain forecast I went to close the garage window I had open to keep cool for Lola. She was adamant about heading out at this time so I let her out. The rain let go soon after and she was on full patrol for the next 2 hours. I was awake for them as well attempting to get her back in a myriad of times with no luck. J would have been very happy to come in. The dang magpies were back around 5, grr. I did get Lola in at 5:30 and finally managed to get back to sleep, yeah!

Awake for the day at 8 and ready for coffee set to auto brew after 8:30. The rain had left puddles and a cool overcast morning. Shaina was off to classes at 9. Out morning project was to cut a hole in the antique chair ready to paint.

Rain was off and on throughout the morning and afternoon. S had checked the gauge mid morning to see 2.5/10ths overnight.

Shaina was back around 11:30 as I was making chili for lunch. She then instructed Sheldon and I in our workout. Kaylin and Lexi arrived as we were starting then she was off to vacuum her vehicle out before the tires went on. She also did some personal shopping for me in the city at a thrift store and unloaded them in the garage, THANK YOU!

After our workout and lunch S was off to swap out her winter tires with the new ones we picked up and K kindly did my sugaring.

Sheldon gave the sugaring a try once back inside while Shaina went to vacuum out her jeep. When he was done he jumped into big brown for a nap.

By 3 Kaylin was loaded up with the custom growth ruler to meet the lady for pickup at her house when back, THANK YOU! Lexi is staying with us for a week or so when both girls leave for BC tomorrow on vacation.

The courier finally delivered the latest Fusion colors!

The rain had let up and the sun was now peeking thru. I walked out to give Bird her gastro and it was so tropical feeling with warm rain feeling. Shaina continued on her jeep cleaning while I painted the old chair its first coat of red. Once awake, S went to start doing the truck renovation he had ordered parts for.

It was now 5 and has been 2 hours since her last supplement so out I went again to give Bird and Pepper their meds and try on her new rain sheet Britt ordered that arrived yesterday. Fancy schmancy!

Shaina ate the last of the chili and was off to her last classes for awhile at 6. Have a fun and safe holiday girls.

Taking a break to watch more YouTube truck repair videos we ate a light supper then he was back out to tackle it and I marketing. I did go out and prune that poplar tree and some lilacs but the wind was bitter now so not out long. Lola came in with me and I put a second coat of red on and left to dry.

I worked on blog posts, tutorials and sorting photos, around 9:45 this was the crazy view outside my office window with occasional thunder

I watched another Big Dreams gardening show with Lexi all curled up and shut it off at 11:30 as drifting off. The mechanic came in soon after to shower and crawl into bed but I was now awake LOL.

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

New hired man at the ranch

Wakeup call today was compliments of spammers at 7:30 am... grrrr! But on plus side I was getting my marketing done early. The lady who ordered 2 tiles off Etsy last night wants 2 silver ones and after back and forth conversations I will be doing 2 custom ones for her.

Eventually S woke, made coffee and crawled back into the comfy bed to peruse the internet. Once mobile he went out to transfer water to a tote and go water the caragana's along the south. I weeded, deadheaded and transplanted flowers after moving pots around. The day is AMAZING; sunshine and not a breath of wind!! When I gave Bird her gastro I took hers and Switch's blankets off to enjoy the day and opened the far paddock and also let Roo and KD join the herd. I washed Lola's bedding that stunk of dead she had been getting into and hung out to dry in the sun when done.

S took this from his tree watering perspective

Another dead poplar, going to try and prune back the base to one and see what happens

After lunch and a short rest, S mowed in their paddock while I scooped poop. Around 2:30 we set off for town stopping at waste station to drop trash, paint cans and cardboard then to the bottle depot. Amanda had to run to the city for passports and asked if we could get Asher. I surprised him at school and off we went to Dairy Queen for a treat. Sheldon and I chose the summer berry cheesecake blizzard (only 920 calories!) to share and Ash went with the oreo and brownie cupfection (720 cals). YUMMY!!

Our next stop was the recycling yard then to fill jerry cans with fuel. We were back home by 4. S filled the lawnmower and set off to finish mowing weeds in paddocks. Ash and I walked to the far paddock to give supplements then we hooked up the quad to the wagon and did some rock/poop scooping. What a good little worker he is! He loved moving the quad ahead and driving with my supervision. We filled and dumped one full wagon in short order and were working on the second one when Amanda and the other kids pulled in at 5:30. They wanted a few quad rides and quick visit (watched S spray sparks as he sharpened the mower blades) before they set off for home.

 Are these edible?

I prepped Hutterite veggies (thanks Mom) for supper along with the marinated steak while S whipped around with the weed eater quick. Time to enjoy a yummy supper and couple of brews after a great day. Big brown called Sheldon while I wrote a blog post for the teal painted pot and got it published.

A hot soak in the tub before starting the latest Netflix movie; Murder Mystery. Shaina arrived around 10  just as we started, she ate and was off to her room to work on programs.