Tuesday, April 30, 2019

B's bday supper

this was yesterday morning but is a common pattern... today with less snow ;)

I served coffee to the prince on his sleepy Tuesday. I was answering possible sales emails that in the end did not turn out. Shaina was off after 9 with coffee and a bowl of chili for later to do morning class.

A few wisps of snow blew thru as I packed up my rummage sale treasures and was off to town after 10. I picked up 3 wood chests from a follower who offered them to me then met Britt at the rummage sale. It was cool with the bitter wind so we only took a quick look thru the outside treasures and were off. I did find 2 baskets though.

She loaded Cooper in with me and she was off to get Shaina for their rad trip to Hanna to see Dr Dave. I went to Walmart for a few groceries then grabbed teas and the mail on my way to the ranch. S was just heading out to start his tractor to load bales then back in to enjoy his tea and the news

Coop liked his view from the higher back area

Snow rolled in at noon heavy with the blustery wind but snow let up by 1 but the wind stayed. The neighbor did come for bales after the snow let up. With the bales loaded the fellows came in for a visit then S hit big brown for a Tuesday nap. I went out to wax the teal chair and paint the disassembled one another new Jolie color

I came in around 3 for a refreshment and do some computer work serenaded by the Tuesday snores. After my refreshment I was back out painting the blue chair. B arrived back at 4 from dentist dropping Shaina back at gym for work.  We watched Ellen while I prepped roast supper. Dave arrived at 5 to join in on Britt's bday supper. She and he went out to dose horses with meds & supplements while it cooked.

We enjoyed the meal while catching a hockey game and once supper was done all were off to the TV room while I scrubbed up pots and pans then caught up on computer work. After the Bruins lost, the Airdrie-ites were off for home after 8. S went back down to watch the next game too. After marketing I hit the tub to soak for night #4 in a row is it ;)

Monday, April 29, 2019

Projects on the go

Sun was shining and snow continues to melt hopefully soaking in all that fertilizer S spread. After a couple cappuccinos and getting caught up on work stuff I got busy working. First order was to head out and toss the horses a bale and give supplements. Even at 4, with no wind and lots of sun it felt warmer. Now time to get projects under way. The dark chair was painted a coat of my new Jolie paint that arrived last week in a pretty green.

While that coat dried and I had the paint out I painted a sweet little jewelry box.

A chair I had scrubbed up awhile ago had lose legs. I planned to take it to the rummage sale as S did not think he could fix. Before I gave it away I took another look at it and decided I could try taking it apart first and low and behold that is what I did. ;)

A short lunch break of my usual salad of late then both had another coat added. The tray I scrubbed up before the paint class and during the paint class I painted it white was sanded. Then a word was needed in the center. I put out a suggestion box and Amanda had a great one: enjoy. I created a fun font, printed it out and tried my usual way transfer way but no luck so resorted to stenciling.

Now back to the jewelry box; it was sanded, distressed and clear waxed.

While the waxes were out I did the tray after sanding the stenciled area in clear, dark and black. Then photo staging for these two pieces.

Chili was made for supper as Shaina will be here later and I needed something filling. Seeing the weather is to be cool and the nights below freezing I hauled my planters back in I put out this am along with Lola. The green chair was partially sanded and will finish it tomorrow. Time for some chili.

Then it was back to computer work. The jewelry box needed to be posted on my Etsy store and blog posts worked on and photos sorted. Shaina arrived at 10 after her gym stop for her work days. She gobbled down chili and got busy with her homework. Sheldon arrived a little after 11 from his short week. Sadly there was a fatality at his worksite today making for a somber end to his shift. It is the first work related death he has encountered.

Sunday, April 28, 2019

milk paint class

When I awoke at Cooper going out at 6:30 the storm was over. The window were partially iced over still and it was now -6, Dangerous road condition warnings came at 8 when I woke for the day. Time to grab a cappuccino and do some marketing. I wrote a blog post for the Ikea organizer and got it posted and sent to all sponsors.

what a difference 12 hours makes in Alberta ;)

 ice washed car

Last minute prep for todays paint class starting at 1. Britt went out to toss hay and put the 2 black girls back in with the herd. She had a couple escapees while doing so. Then she brushed and treated the birthday girl and snapped some photos. Happy 2nd hay cake miss Roo!!

birthday girl

Back inside she loaded up her clean laundry and Cooper and they headed for home at noon. The snow is melting fast but she said there was a drift at the gate. I am hoping it melts in the hour before class starts.

The 2 ladies arrived for 1 pm class and we were soon underway. This class had lots of interaction and questions and went 4 hours. In the end they had 2 totally different looks.

They were off by 5, I cleaned up and washed brushes before coming in. The snow was almost all melted with a lovely sunshine and high of around 4. Time for a cold beer and some supper. Back out to move in all the display items and get garage back to "normal". Marketing then a soak in a hot bath was next order of business to end a great day.

Saturday, April 27, 2019

Spring storm blows in

I was awake at 7:30 and the day was dreary looking. Around 8 light flakes of snow started to fall. Seeing the horses were in for water I put on my housecoat, jumped in the car, opened the yard gate and drove down to lock them in. Back at the house I pulled the hose back and closed the garden shed door.  Wouldn't you know it the snow stopped soon after with literally no wet areas to be seen ;(

if you look hard you see the snow flakes

At least the horses put away made it easy for the lady who bought the ornate frame long ago to finally pick it up before 10:30. This was a fast get dressed with the call as I forgot she was coming.

Now to get the IKEA stools built and the rest of the stuff ready for tomorrow. I hauled out all my milk painted items to use for demo too. By noon the sun was peeking out, so much for a storm or any moisture, how disappointing. I would even have taken snow at this point.

I dug up some dud dahlias and planted new ones and got them watered. I brought in my lavender and spider plant I had out as forecast says -9 as low tomorrow.. WHAT! I scrubbed up the dark chair to paint this week.

B and Cooper arrived around 2 with her free birthday Booster Juice too. Seems she brought along some laundry to keep her busy while she watches Netflix all day. She did run out quick when horses came to shelter and gave two supplements. This did mean the kennel and clean bedding was back set up! Well I had one night of space ;)

and opened her birthday present ;)

I got the rest of the paint class set up to go then inside to work on blogs. After 3:30 the snow started again and soon the heavy winds rolled in blowing from the north. Spring blizzard just as forecast. B did run out and toss a bale when it was just starting so they did eat before the worst hit. The dogs came in too, both limping and wet. Perfect weather to go down and rearrange my "store" wares.

I made chicken for supper and a pot of coffee to stay warm as the winds howled. B continued her days laundry and watched Netflix now in her room. The horses were struggling with the stormy weather. Well Pepper and Daisy not so much as they are top dogs. The rest clamored for primo spots where they could. As the winds picked up even more, B barred the storm and went to move Switch and Bird to the other paddock for their own shelter at 8. And she hauled a bale out to them all in the two shelters, well done B.

now you can see snowflakes easier :)

Back inside out of the horrendous wind and back to her cozy room. I soaked in the tub and then bed finishing the season of Sabrina then 3 episodes of Riverdale. Maybe it was the late coffee or the raging storm but I did not shut it down till after one. The temperature was only -2 but still just howling with all windows iced over. Seems we will have some moisture after all.

Friday, April 26, 2019

Cleaning day

Brrr windy cool day. Time for a couple cappuccinos. Rosie started up for her Friday schedule so I moved everything and got busy cleaning. Today was going to be clean day. I washed Cooper’s bedding and folded up his kennel and put away. That opened up allot of space. More laundry was underway.

The rustic dresser blog post went live and was posted on a few sites. I did a live video of the refinished dresser and posted it too.

Things I had put off were done like hanging stuff on the entry wall. My new little plants were potted up. Rosie had to recharge to finish her job. I have spent allot of time with tech trying to figure how to make her work correctly. They suggested moving charger to a smaller space so did that and set to double pass. I only have half the house set but it is taking forever.

While Rosie charged a 3rd time I went out and sanded the dresser. Note to self, I could have saved 2 hours stripping and just zipped it off with sand paper LOL Sanding it today took about an hour total.

The horses were up for water so I gave supplements. Some dark clouds rolled in and winter storm warning was issued but soon it was lovely out and warming up to 12. I hand vacuumed all the baseboards and rails and cabinet edges. The half bath was scrubbed cleaning seeing I have a paint class Sunday and this is the one they would use.

I heated up some meat pies for supper. While waiting for Lola to finish up her rounds I prepped for Sunday's class, Paint stations arranged and milk paint was set out. Sweeping my sawdust and such then once she was in after 9 it was time to head in. I curled up in bed with my iPad and watched some Users Guide to Cheating Death on Netflix then plant videos on YouTube. That is my Friday night excitement. And my house is clean ;)