Monday, December 31, 2018

New Years Eve

Up at 8:30 I got coffee and marketing underway. I left a hot cup on prince's night stand after 9:30 as he slept in on his head back to work day. The sore throat I felt starting yesterday is worse today and has now moved to my nose. Kaylin has been having issues with her rear window clamps and text today they actually broke. S loaded up the items I had for Britt including her new cart and was off to the girls house in the city to help her out at noon. B picked up her stuff there including a TV tray and stool along with music books to set up her "new" keyboard.

The sun was out but it was chilly at -9. I bundled up and went out to check why Switch has been lame for the last few days. Must be her usual pinched nerve poor girl. I have a text in to the chiro for her to get into see him.

I tried Deb's cold fix for lunch

I prepped a new jewelry box to paint and after getting it all apart and cleaned and thinking I would try a new blue I second guessed a dark purple. Throwing the vote out on Instagram and Facebook was just about as split but currently purple is a bit ahead as I write the blog at 8 pm.

The green/turquoise jewelry was picked up at 5 and a short visit/consult for a few pieces she would like custom painted. I added the white jewelry box in its place on Etsy.

I continued to watch Instant Hotel as I blog wrote and did marketing and finished the series while cozy in bed, 9 episodes today. I finished just after 11:30 and brought in 2019 texting brother Dale and Mya. Happy new year everyone!

Sunday, December 30, 2018

Stormy roads

Britt, Dave and Cooper were loaded and on the road by 6:30 am to get for Dave back to do meds and training. They ran into stormy winter roads past Bassano and took longer then planned to get safely back. In the hat as we had coffee with Grama and Papa it was only -1 and overcast but eventually started to lightly snow when Candace, Kaylin, Shaina and Jacob joined us for brunch.

By the time we left at one the winds picked up and areas of road were like sheet ice. A quick stop in Brooks for fuel and a tea (thanks Jacob) and we were safely home around 3:30. The roads were terrible from Bassano till almost home, good that it was just windy with some blowing as the "kids" unloaded and loaded in Jacob's truck and were off for home. Kaylin has to work at 5 in Cochrane.

the road as it increasingly got worse

Lola was glad we were home. She stayed out all night with -15 and crazy wind chills that rolled in after Sharon fed her supper. She did run over and let her in this morning after seeing the weather change. S hit the big brown for a relax after his white knuckle drive for a bit then went out to roll a bale for the starving frozen horses.
thanks Grama for the care package, cabbage rolls were the perfect supper

Once back in, he started a fire and watched hockey. I caught up on marketing and blog stuff then hit the tub to try and soak away the cold that is moving in. I started a new Netflix series called Instant Hotel curled up in bed. I watched 3 episodes of the Australian based Airbnb challenge.

Saturday, December 29, 2018

Kuhn Christmas

Jump in the shower and get ready for the Kuhn Christmas adventure in the Hat today. Beverages, snacks and gifts were all loaded and ready to go when Kaylin, Lexi, Shaina and Jacob arrived right on time for our 10 am departure. Dave had training to do this morning so he and Britt and Cooper will leave after lunch and meet us down there.

 About 5 minutes down the road I noted Lexi was not in the car so back we went to grab her. ;) We arrived at Graama and Papa’s around 12:30 to a cold drink and hot cabbage rolls and loads of other goodies. 

Shaina working on her barber skills

Visiting and arms filled the afternoon until Britt, Dave and Cooper arrived before 4:30. They ate and we opened gifts before loading up to head over to Candace’s for the bigger get together with her and the boys, Darren’s, Auntie Colleen, Uncle Elton, Kole and Cary.

this is a 2 photo max family, here they are

dogs rule when Reese is in charge

 Candids are hard but here are a few group snaps

again it was the 2 photo rule but my camera snapped one before I set the timer to join in lol

 Papa found petting easier from table height too ;)

card queen

An evening for eating, visiting and playing games was enjoyed by all. Before midnight some of us went back to Grama Papa’s o sleep while Auntie C hosted K, S and J. Thanks for the great night Kuhn family!

Friday, December 28, 2018

furniture pick up & tree down

Up at 8:30 I put on coffee and did some marketing. There are a couple interested folks so a bunch of back and forth and details were needed. Hopefully there are a couple sales, fingers crossed. I served prince his coffee in bed when he woke after 9:30 and perused the net. He did eventually get the recyclables sorted and ready to take to town.

 After a quick salad at noon, we had the trash & recyclables loaded and were off to town. First stop the dump, mail then he dropped me with the bottles at the depot while he ran the plastic and tins to the town recycling. Our next stop was to pick up a vanity and dresser a lady had for me in October but it has taken this long to get together as they moved but had it in storage here.

yeah I found tab and aluminum recycling

 We stopped for a short visit at Paetz's to grab my camera lens cover then were off to home around 3:30. 

The furniture was unloaded in short order. This brisk -8 makes you move fast. I made a salad to take tomorrow then got busy cleaning. S helped me take down the tree and he fetched the box, loaded it up and put it back in the mezzanine while I put away all the rest of the decorations, rearranged and decorated while vacuuming well including the couch cushions. It is nice to have the pretty décor but it is nice to have it all tidy and back to order.

After supper S was off to watch hockey while I wrote a blog post for Britt's antique serving cart. This was the project I worked on last week and could not share ;)

Thursday, December 27, 2018

City run

The horse boots I picked up that did not fit had to be returned today so a city run was in order. I made coffee and got caught up on emails. S enjoyed a sleep in.

Kaylin had forgotten her last hello fresh box so I got that loaded up with some sausage ice packs and a couple other returns. We were off to the city at noon to meet her near chinook for her box so she could cook it and get to work for 5.

sporting his new Dave Kelly racing swag

Parking at chinook was next where I got a few things before we went to State and Main again for a drink and lunch this time. A couple more errands including dropping off the hoof boots that did not fit and main reason we went to the city . Time to head home.

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Boxing Day

Boxing Day. The time has gone fast for sure. I made coffee and got a Boxing Day sale post done up. S and I loaded up and were off to the races ..literally at 12. Dave had booked a front row table for us to come watch his races. We swung by and picked up Britt and got ourselves seated by the start of the 3rd race.

We enjoyed appetizers and beverages in the warmth, poor Dave raced 10/11 races in the brisk -8! He did well winning 2 handily and placing in many others. All 3 of us won free tickets in the draws they had for the day but no winners in the end.

our view from our warm seats

S favorite betting machine 2 steps away

After the last race we stopped at the barn to see the horses and visit with some of the owners and helpers.

this is "Kenny"

Hungry again we were off in search of pho for S but after fining 2 of them closed we changed the plan and went to State and Main. He and B both got the HUGE noodle bowl while I opted for steak sandwhich.

We stopped for a visit at Britt’s when dropping her home. Dave had just gotten back from he barn so a visit with them both for an hour while the jr hockey game was playing. Off for home after 9 to just relax after a busy few days.