Sunday, October 7, 2018

Thanksgiving dinner

Somehow my tweaked back is getting worse, thru the night it ached and continued thru the day. S graded the road seeing it was still damp after helping me get the turkey ready and in the oven and potato’s peeled. B was up late enjoying a sleep in day. She even ventured out in the sunshine to ride Bird and work with little Roo. We locked up the horses in the winter paddock for the day much to their dismay.

Shaina arrived after 3, she was to work today but when she went to her shift she was given laid off notice ;( Paetz family arrived not long after. The afternoon was beautiful +15, the boys went and set up the skeet shooter and we all ventured out to give it a try.


 off jumping on the bales, it seems Asher missed a landing using his face to stop himself, this is brushed off too ;/

tips from the clay crew

youngest shooter (R)

AJ & I came back inside after 5 and I got the supper on the go. Shaina took Ada to see the horses

Everyone came ion once supper was ready, it was so yummy. Dave arrived around 7:30 after his day of racing and caught the left overs. Pumpkin pie was served a bit later and the fellows and Ada even light a campfire. Shaina, Britt and Dave had a pool challenge. Shaina loaded up her leftovers and supper for Kaylin and was off to the city around 9:30, the Paetz's after 10. Sheldon did some fine tuning on the coffee pot lid to prep for morning.

The last of us relaxed before calling it a night around 11:30, what a lovely Thanksgiving celebration. We send <3 and best wishes to the family who could not share it with us and hope you all had a fabulous day.

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