Thursday, October 4, 2018

2 cuties at the ranch

Dang, the day started with geese hunters waking me before 8. Of course the prince could sleep thru it all but eventually he to woke up. It was an overcast start but coffee/cappuccino helps. The solar guys arrived just before 9 and after a bit S was out to meet them and checked his truck getting the starter back on in no time now that it was day light. I booked our flights to Kona!!, now to find a place to stay.

Happy birthday Papa, who is enjoying it in the middle east in a heat wave ;)

Amanda dropped Aislyn and Archer off after 11:30 to attend lunch with Asher. We had a good little visit and snuggles.  Aislyn fell asleep after 12:3 so I suggested to Aj to run a few errands which she did before popping out before 2.

S came in for lunch, had a rest then went and got the truck running while Amanda visited. The troops were off after 3 leaving me to run out and give meds (it was beautiful plus 5 out now) and keep searching for a rental spot. S worked on drilling a hole thru the furnace room wall to run the solar panel in.

Kaylin and Aaron arrive bringing Chinese food before 7 and what a treat it was, THANKS!! They stayed for a visit and gift opening while S started a fire then were off to meet Britt quick to get dog food atbout 8.

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