Monday, October 1, 2018

snow arrives

October 1, Another cold day underway with snow coming tonight they say but actually there was a skim of flakes this am and the water puddles had ice. I threw a 4th coat of black chalk paint on the 4 pieces and left to dry.

The solar install fellows arrived after 10. Sharon stopped by to check out her table at 11 and took the 2 leaves home after our visit returning not long after with Darren and the truck for the top and base. In the meantime I went out and gave Hawk and Bird their meds.

Sharon sent a picture of the table set up round

I stopped out to take a picture after 3 as the solar guys were shutting it down for the day

I put the glass back in the frame and snapped a picture or two

And got the other large gold one ready to sell too

Tidying up the garage including moving my platers, the furniture mover comes in handy for these heavy things too but I managed to tweak my back while doing so ;(

Time to get more projects on the go, this magazine rack will be easier to do all apart, scrubbing and painting

A light skiff of snow came down briefly but it is snowing in Calgary, I don't want to think of Christmas yet but this tray I think should be red and used at Christmas for fun quotes or food display so went with red! And a Xmas song played on my iPod as I was painting ;)

What to paint this little jewelry box? Well I had a skiff of the custom purple left so in the end that is what it got.

 I finished up as Britt and Dave rolled in after 8, B wanted to recheck Bird's eye, drop off Lexi and change her tires but after doing the eye check they decided to hold off on the tire change. We visited waiting for Sheldon to get home. Snow started to come down as they predicted around 10 which delayed S's plane and he did not get home till about 11:30. A quick hello and good bye seeing the weather had caught up with them, the Balzacians were off and S soon asleep.

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