Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Cannabis is now legal

The morning was spent visiting over coffee, I did run out in my housecoat and give Hawk his meds when they were in for water. Late morning Fortis arrived to install the directional meter for the solar system. Ma and Pa took the tour then were off for home at noon.

finally the installer guy sent photos from on the roof

Lunch had us catching the news of the big legal cannabis day here in Canada. S napped then headed out in the beautiful 24 sunshine to pull the last of the south fence posts while I continued tagging and packing up market items and hauling them to the door. I did go sweep the horse trailer now the floor is all dry ready to load.

S popped in mid afternoon for a smoothie and big brown rest until Matt arrived to visit. I worked on boring old accounting and bill payments. While out, he ran the pulled posts to the gate for the neighbor who takes them. He also pounded in stakes to mark the road for our "non attentive" drivers who cut corners and sprayed them bright yellow. I went out and transferred all the poop and plant buckets in the quad dump trailer for him to run to the pit and hauled a shelf from the mez down to the trailer for my market. What a beautiful day, so lovely no wind and all sunshine.

what are the odds many get hit? ;)

Shaina joined us for supper after her training and boot camp at 7:30. Thanks to Ma K for the delicious cabbage rolls she brought us! Shaina stayed the night. S was off to TV room to watch Flames while Shaina perused the net and had a bath and I wrote blog posts; one for the patina lamps went live.

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