Thursday, May 31, 2018

RAIN ... finally

I awoke to rain, yeah. B was rustling around the kitchen and out the door by 7. Soon after I fell back asleep only to be awoke by Lolas bark, seems B thought she needed out. I tried to get back to sleep but eventually decided to just get up and get coffee ready. Deb had been up for awhile and joined me for coffee and visit. Sheldon enjoyed a sleep in and joined in later.

Deb and I went to town at 11 to shop Walmart. Mom met us there at noon and we went to Roadhouse for lunch. We took Sheldon left overs and continued the visit there. A nice afternoon of visiting ensued which moved into a delicious sausage supper.

The Paetz family came out to join us too.

 Sheldon and I ran out with him tossing the horses hay and me herbing up the girls. Britt was home around 9 after work and a work supper. Mom headed home before 9:30 with the Paetz's a bit after. The 4 of us spent the rest of the evening watching The Greatest Showman.

one wet and muddy dog

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Debby arrives

Crazy after B left I went back to sleep and woke at 9:45!! What a nice way to start the day. The day was cooler then normal but no rain. (

We worked in the yard to get it ready for the rain and company. S graded the roads and mowed an area to organize his skid steer implements. I watered and weeded and set up my new gazing ball. I hammered in horse shoes to hold the base and then bungy strapped the glass gazing ball on.

I made hamburger soup to have ready for all to eat whenever. Deb arrived at 3:30; let the visiting begin. Kaylin & Shaina arrived about 4:30 and after visiting for a bit and some soup Shaina was off to train and do boot camp at 5:30. Sheldon changed K's vehicle oil for her, what a nice Dad. Deb caught a nap.

The big hockey game started at 6, Matt popped out to join us watching. Britt was home late from work around 8. Shaina was back home about the same time and after an hour visit she and Kaylin were off to the city. After the game Matt & Sheldon went to see house progress while Deb and I visited more before heading to bed. I finished the last episode in 13 Reasons Why season 2.

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Dandelion day

Cool and overcast and hoping for rain. All were slow to get going even with coffee but eventually S was off to town after 11 on errand run and I worked on marketing while B sat in front of TV and laptop on her day off (which translates to do nothing day)

trying to find a frame for a customer

On of his errands was to grab a skunk trap for that cat. He was back after 1 with burgers for lunch, lots of parts & new yard toys, a few groceries too. He caught a nap while I sat on hold to get a new CO2/fire detector that crapped out. He bought one but they are warrantied for 10 years so Kidde is sending a new one out stat ;) The sun started to peek thru now but with crazy clouds.

Once up and at it he graded the road while I picked dandelions from the island for the horses. I got 6 huge loads and they ate them up lickety split. Win Win! B ran to town while we worked ;) Once back rode her horse, roached her mane, fed her herbs then she prepped for ball.. meaning shower and gussy up hahaha I gave herbs to Switch and tossed hay to all the ponies while S enjoyed the paper for a break.

B was off to ball as we prepped supper, yummy favorite tacos. I wet the arena and rode Switch while S sharpened the lawn mower blades and then clipped it down. I was his bone/toys/hose moving minion. Time for a hot soak and relax time. The yard looks tidy with 500 less dandelions and mowed, yeah.

ever try a selfie with a horse in a dark barn? hahaha well lets just say it is delayed with the flash making for silly pics

Monday, May 28, 2018

31 degree day

B was off early on a beautiful Monday morning. I enjoyed a relaxing sleep till 8:30, wait I was up scaring off the dang feral cat around 1 am, grrr. I have a request in to get a skunk trap and catch this bugger.

Time to get focused on the week ahead. I did some marketing and headed out to weed and water to get ahead of the heat but it was 27 by 11!! Our grass is burning like crazy. I came back in for a late lunch and got to work updating the spreadsheet and post some photos. I ventured back out to trim more shrubs, feed horses some old apples and checked the far paddock to find their water DRY, poor things. SO I filled it along with the dog pool and gave Lola a soak.

Back inside to check horse laundry and tidy for the prince's arrival and a blast of cool air as it is now 30!! I rearranged above the door and unpacked all the market treasures. I will do a live video soon to update but also made a sale video.

I went out at 5 to find Cooper had dug himself multiple trenches in my front flower beds.. bad boy Cooper! After the fresh pool I set up and everything but it is 31 now and the planters had damp cool dirt.

I had roasted veggies ready to go when B rolled in at 7. We ate about half hour later then she went out to herb the 2 ponies while I got measurements on most dressers for a potential customer. she was then off to the city on another date night after 9 as I was putting the clean fly sheet on KD and hers on Switch. I took Lola in but the garage was hot so I cracked open the door with the fan and while I was washing my feet I heard her barking outside .. yep she commando crawled out! ;\
Prince was home around 11 having grabbed a paint sample on his way by Langdon. We checked the one big water tank while trying to get Lola in and found it had syphoned all out ;( I did get Lola in a little while later.

Sunday, May 27, 2018

shopping day

Sharon sent a text about the market at 9 which led to a great catch up phone call. There is the first polocrosse jackpot today so in case we went I headed out at 10 to ride Switch as it has been a few days and it was only 18 degrees. perfect for a nice ride.

We decided not to do the polox day, contemplated a trail ride but ended up running to town to fill the truck with fuel, grab an ice cap now that it was getting warmer, drop off my Etsy parcel and pick up an antique vanity.

We were back home at 2:30 and jumped in B's car and were off to the city for a little retail therapy. We stopped at the girls place first to get some things from B's old room and had a visit with Shaina before heading to a thrift store. We both scored quite a few treasures!!

2 trays of these ;)

We grabbed sushi for the supper ride home, yummy. On our way by Costco we stopped in hopes of getting a camera card but it was closed so we went to my favorite store Home Sense where we came out an hour later with MORE treasures.


And on route home we swung thru town to see if Walmart had the card and back to the ranch at 8. Unloaded and  catching up on things before B went out for a ride after 9 and I watered the pots, then we both watched Netflix. It was a perfect day.

Saturday, May 26, 2018

market day 2

Silly wind started to blow about 5:30 and even though I tried there was no going back to sleep. So after laying there trying and thinking of ideas I got up and started to do them. Coffee and marketing, a small shower squall blew thru at 8 but amounted to hardly anything.  I made a smoothie to take on the windy drive heading out before 9.

I had a bit of a challenge finding parking but eventually parked quite aways away. The day seemed to drag for the most part. My pieces were somewhat our of place I think in the price as most wanted old things for cheap. Some of my fellow furniture and home décor peeps did sell some stuff but none where super happy. Krystalle did stop and buy 3 things, my only sales of the day, thank you.

there was interest in paint classes, I hope they pan out

I also had 10% off after 1 pm but still no bites ;(

I had a health bar for a late lunch but by the time we could pack up at 5 I could only think of getting packed up. The weather was now sunny and very warm. I managed to get the trailer outside a back door and had everything loaded out of the building and in the trailer myself in less then an hour. I have to say I was mighty tired of hauling it all upstairs, into the trailer into the building and then reverse in such a short time. I also purchased from another booth so with that and my food truck and driving back and forth and 2 full days sitting there I was in the hole LOL

I arrived back home just before 7 as Britt was out riding. She spent her day lounging but was forced to haul in some of the furniture as she wants me to haul her to polocrosse tomorrow and need the trailer. I would of course prefer to stay home. I needed a frosty margarita and bologna sandwhich before anything else. She then showered and was off to the city for a movie date at 8.

I vacuumed and arranged most of the big items downstairs, caught up a few messages and luckily had an Etsy sale roll in for the candle sticks I just dropped the price on a half hour before. I boxed them up and printed a label so good to go. As I reposted things and put some on sale I would go out and put soakers on and try and call in dogs to no avail for a couple hours. I finally got Cooper in just before midnight. Britt was home not long after but could not get Lola in, I headed out at 1:30 and coerced her in.

Friday, May 25, 2018

first market day

Gonna be another hot one, I got the soaker hoses going early. Scott stopped out after 9 to pick up the mirror, thanks Coreena.

Last minute prep for the market before I headed to the city after 11:30. I made great time and was there is less then an hour and in line to unload. I was all set up way before the doors open time. There was a good turn out but sadly I only sold 1 $6 jar making it a very expensive long day when doors closed at 9.

 setting up above and below the food truck, ever have an arepa?

It was not long and I was loaded up and on the road and home before 10. My left over arepa ( a Venezuelan stuffed bread), had Lola inside in no time. Time to relax in a hot bath with a frosty beer and some Netflix.

Thursday, May 24, 2018

hair chop and color

With B off to work by 7 and S up north I had a quiet morning starting at 8 to get marketing and prep going. Hauling pieces up to the door has me worried about taking too much and having to bring it all home ;(

I staged the mirror I painted up yesterday

I also ventured out in the heating up day to water my planters and run the flower bed soakers. I left a bit early for my 2 pm hair cut/color dropping off trash at the dump, grabbing a salad and chai and eating it in Can tire parking lot :) I ran into grab some plants but got caught up visiting with a friend and had to dart to my appointment.

I am loving my new color and cut, so light and bobble head like. I was back home by 4 loading up more stuff in the trailer. I took a quick break to run to the glenmore/817 corner to meet a gal and but a rustic shelf. The newly listed mirror sold via text, wahoo.

I watered the planters and garden again as the 28 dried them pretty much out. Time to get the stool blog post wrote up and posted. B was home late at 7:30, I cooked us a pizza while she hit the shower then she was cozied up in her bed. I went out and tossed hay to horses and fed Switch her mixture. Lola was coerced inside and all the water systems checked and shut off before I was back in to relax with Netflix.