Saturday, March 3, 2018

so much snow

The snow was still coming down lightly when I got up. Time to get ready for the dresser pick up and private class. I put on nice smelling essential oils and finished organizing the house. Looking out the front door I saw this and the other doors as well.

 The garage door was froze shut so required some work to get Lola out but she was happy in this fluffy new snow. Bundled up and jazzed on a couple cups of coffee, I went and shoveled off the decks, the snow was so light and fluffy it was easy.

looks like I wont be backing the car out today ;)

this only took about 5 minutes

 I had started the truck while I shoveled and took a trip to the gate at Prince's request to shovel the gate path if needed. Well now there is so much snow.. the road was level to the top of the side burms and on both side of the gate about 2 plus feet deep. I shoveled the gate down and blasted through to the highway. So fun to drive the road in 4X4 but not sure B could make it or the others planning to come so cancelled all. Back to the house to make more coffee and do some online work.

Lola came to the gate to supervise then led me home (her in the left track below)

The snow let up around noon and the sun tried to come out but soon turned overcast again.  I then headed out to work on the cabinet. I had started the dark wax last night waiting for Lola but left to show the gal in paint class. Seeing we bumped it 2 weeks I finished the cabinet and later on hauled it inside to stage and post a bit.

Not wanting to have goulash for supper # 5 I cooked a salmon burger in my fab cast iron pan and had spinach (no fixings so used ceasar dressing lol) and my homemade aioli sauce .. so yummy, well worth the clean up.

While I worked on posting the cabinet and writing up its blog post and other marketing I watched A Plastic Ocean Shaina suggested for me. So sad how the oceans have become dumping grounds. We must reduce and recycle our plastic.. worldwide! I also then started Chasing Coral before getting to sleepy to finish.

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