Thursday, March 22, 2018

Girls come for supper & Netflix movie night

Wednesday, S dropped the packaged chair up when he ran to town to pick up the skid steer after lunch. He pushed snow around and rolled out a bale once back in the plus 5 weather.

I put a prime rib roast in and prepped veggies as the girls are all coming for supper. Kaylin arrived at 7 with Shaina back after her boot camp before 8 and Britt came in as we were finishing up having worked late, then went to the house to pick up the dogs only to just get eating when a call came in from the clinic calling her in for an emergency. Poor girl had to drop and run, Shaina kindly took Cooper home when she and Kaylin headed back after 9.

Thursday, I finished writing up the dresser blog post and published it. Sheldon was off to town to meet Gary for a visit after lunch before his massage and I headed over for an ice tea work rally with Sharon. I was back home after 4 and S came home at 5:30 with Chinese for supper. We watched Sisters which had some silly parts, some laugh out loud parts but ended with a good message ;)

Watching them struggle to make their way along the deep fence line then finally getting to less snow where they could run and romp

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