Tuesday, March 6, 2018

B comes for a visit

7:45 am Bing... the sound of a phone but it took about 10 minutes for me to remember I set an alarm to check in. Up and at it, I had us moved to better seats in not very long. By this time tomorrow we will be on a jet plane headed south. Coffee got S motivated to head out and start plowing the piles of snow. I had to wait for his good to borrow for staging.

Britt arrived after 11 but the gate area required the bucket to move snow so she took a detour for a bit till S had it opened up and she, Cooper and the little jetta zipped down the laneway.

 S pics

Britt hung out for a bit, checked her horses then ran to town after lunch. Cooper loved playing in the snow with Lola and was tuckered when she was back.

Sheldon came in for a sandwich and a nap and then was back out playing and digging in the snow. He rolled out a bale for the horses too before back in for another nap. Britt and I painted frames; me spray painting while she hand painted.

Then she was off to town before 5 to meet Brooke for supper. S scarfed some supper quick and was off to another rodeo meeting at 6, B was back home at 7 and had Cooper loaded up and heading back to the city after 7:30.

I made another short albeit no face shot FB live video waiting for Lola to come in but she took even longer then S who got home from his meeting at 9. Time for him to actually pack and me fine tune last minute things.

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