Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Happy Halloween

Today is Halloween but the weather looks frightening. I woke late after a sleepless night after 9 and saw the paddock gate had blown closed so hoofed it out in my fluffy housecoat to let horses out to the bale. Then I checked the leak...

Crap but good it defines one area but shows there is another which is the humidifier. I rousted Britt fairly early for her day off, moving day that is. Time to finish packing up clothes etc but she also wanted her horses feet done. Off she went to catch them while Sheldon rolled out a bale and I trimmed both Bird and Roo's feet.

 these two crack me up as they always head out to join on any walks picking up the rear

This was a bit tricky with a little one and a skittish elder and then the start of rain on a tin roof but we got it done and back out in their paddock. Prior to letting them out, Sheldon thought it was a good idea to cut an inch hunk of Bird's tail hair right at the top of her tail making her look like a kid who cut off their bangs at the scalp.. and for a guy to use it to tie fish hooks. Britt and I were not the least bit impressed with this decision.

Darn the rain started up after we headed out to load bed springs/dressers etc from the storage trailer into the horses trailer. Then it was moved to the house to load stuff from there which included Kaylin's early Xmas present, her hutch and Britt's early present sans painting (which we will do when she moves to her own place sometime)

The rain really socked in as we made our way to the city with a stop thru town for a hot chai tea for the road. Britt followed in her clothes laddened car. We made it before her as she stopped to tan but Shaina was there to help unload in the rain. We got the bed frames set up and the box springs in their rooms, the hutch set up and all the rest of the dressers loaded in. Shaina was off to her appointment and we left not long after. Our route home in the rain had us stopping back in town to get a part for the leaking hot water tank, groceries and beer. All the essentials ;)

Back at the ranch, Prince got comfy in his lazy boy for a nap while I got working on marketing before making a delicious supper.

Check out the cute little Paetz kids costumes

Happy Halloween

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