Monday, July 31, 2017

Clean up day

What a hazy smoky day today is. Kaylin was up and out the door by 6 am followed closely by B who took off Saturday and had to work today. Sheldon and I had a couple cups of coffee before we started the field clean up. Take down and haul back home but first we had to unload the heavy dresser. Seems the 250 gallons of water was not quite as essential with only about 20 gallons being used ;) Lucky for the trees. I let all the horses out to clean up the loose hay.

Shaina got up to join us for lunch. She got busy on her room finally... stay tuned for the after photo ;)

Sheldon watered the trees, organized his machinery neatly and did tidying around the shop before he was off while I was inside cleaning house, doing laundry and changing beds out of the now 28 degrees. It is nice to get things all back in order every now and then. Shaina was off to work before 3 and Sheldon was off to the airport after 3.

tuckered puppies

Accounting and marketing and laundry were chores I worked on till 5:30 when I went and caught 4 horses, loaded them up and had them to Murray the horse chiro just after 6. Lexi insisted on coming along too. Kaylin actually got home had a bite to eat and came and got her from Murray's to go to the dog park with Gail.

On the way home I grabbed supper from Co-op: rotisserie chicken, sushi and fruit ;) Britt was home when I got back at 7:30 so helped me unload the horses. We ate and I caught her up on Murray's info on the horses and saddle fitting. Kaylin was home around 9:30 to nibble and visit too and brought some rain too. Not much but it did wet the ground ;) Shaina did not get home from her shift till 11:30 with Shannon for a sleep over.

Sunday, July 30, 2017

First big jackpot - lots of pics

I was awake at 7.. big day today. Coffee started grinding at 7:30 and things got going. Signs went our to the road, everyone had coffee and a bagel except Shaina who hung on till the last moments of rest, Britt ran Grady to his 9 am ball game, Diane and Sheldon marked the 30 yard lines, I caught horses and started tacking and last minute things set up.

Guests started rolling in after 9. The first jackpot started a bit chaotic for organization but eventually got going by 10:30 and play was enjoyed for 3 hours. THANKS to Kaylin who timed and kept score in the hot 29 sunshine. Thanks Paetz family for coming to cheer us all on.

 Switch being ridden by Aussie Matt


I hauled the trailer back to the house for Sheldon to unhook for Kaylin. She and Shaina were off to the city after untacking horses to move out and clean Mikey's apartment ;( We hauled a cooler of beer back to celebrate with the players. Britt came down to join us after her horse care.

Once everyone packed up and headed home we came back to the house. Matt R joined us. he and Britt broke in my new racket playing pass while I got some supper together. We enjoyed visiting with him and hearing about his Australian life. The A/C was most welcome after a day in the sun. He headed home at 5; Britt and Sheldon promptly fell asleep while I showered. I started a new series Stranger Things and did nod off for about half an hour. How refreshing after many early mornings and lack of sleep.

I watched 3 episodes starting the 4th when K&S got home. It took a bit to unload boxes, Sheldon parked the truck with dresser in the back in the shop just in case it rained. Sure wish it would.

Saturday, July 29, 2017

field close to ready

Sleep in day yet I was wide awake after a restless night at 7 am!! WTH! Finally Sheldon woke at 9 to make coffee. Britt was slow to get moving to but eventually she was out the door before 11 to head to town to play in a ball tournament. Sheldon, Lexi and I loaded up and were off tot he field to assemble the tent, put marking flags in and pick more rock.

Time for a lunch and refreshment back in the A/C as it is now 27. Shaina stopped home after 1 for a quick change and grab an egg salad sandwich before jetting to work. I worked on the blog while Prince and the dogs napped in the heat of the day. I also snapped some pics of the lectern and the jars I finished with twine tops.

I went out to white wax the vase I started yesterday. Once up from the nap, S came out , cut a top for a recycle bin and we loaded up and took first load down; water, bins and barriers then back for the horse trailer. In it was the table and chairs for the tent. The dogs and us hiked back to the house in the heat for a cool break again in the A/C.

Eventually we headed back out and dug dandelions, started watering the grass that is crispy and trees. Sheldon hauled out the drip line from storage and tried to get it set up along east side trees while I worked on making signs up.

Britt and Grady got home for a late supper after a long day of ball around 7. We cooked up sausage and KD for supper with Shaina joining us after her shift ended too. We visited while the girls rode (thanks for taking Switch girls) then got ready to leave to Rockyford Rodeo.

B did not get this club sign done ;(

The crew left just after Connie arrived around 9:30. She got horses settled, we ran water to the pen and Kaylin was home not long after then Diane. Once they got tent set up and Kaylin ate, Sheldon started a fire and we had a visit around the fire till midnight and called it an night.. well we did anyway Shaina, Britt and Grady rolled in at 4 am. ;)

Friday, July 28, 2017

Another warm one

Bye B bright and early, I was up after 8 checking social media. Coffee drew Kaylin up before 10, Shaina not so much. She and I were to ride before they headed back to the city but Kaylin was leaving earlier to meet a friend for lunch before her 1:30 shift. They were off after 11.

I sanded my bedroom set and gave another quick wipe of poly and once dry a coat of clear wax for a bit of shine. The lectern was touched up and black waxed.

Sheldon assembled the frame for the patio tent on the field then was in for a late lunch with me. He and I tackled the barn moving the deep freeze and reorganizing it all and sweeping.

Another paint project was glass jars for the wooden dovetailed crate. I put a survey on my FB page and coral and green were the choices so that they became.

Sheldon moved the rest of the round bales to the hard spotting a huge bee congregation in our evergreen tree. He went to talk to the keepers working in the area and they stopped over and planned to return in the am but by supper time they were all gone.

The hot 27 degree day called for another cider flavor, today is red.. crisp apple.

check out my blooming campfire roses .. and of course Lex wants to model in the cider pics too

Prince crested some stands to make signs for Sunday while I got the foam board ready. We loaded things to take to the field like trash bin, recycle bin, saw horses to mark parking and pylons. Seems like a ton of work for a couple hours of play right ? ;(

I had put ribs on to simmer which we cooked up for supper once Britt was home early at 6:30. After supper Sheldon made 2 more larger stands while I walked the dogs and picked rock at the field yet again. How is it possible they keep appearing? It was gorgeous out!!

Britt did what she did since home from work, lay in her bed! She did however get out and ride around 9:30 while we finished the Fearless series on Netflix. She then took off to town till about 1:30.. oh busy B.. no work tomorrow right?

Thursday, July 27, 2017

33 kinda hot

B was off and the dogs decided they needed out just after. They did their thing and came back in to sleep as did I. Coffee was served late today as the Prince slept in too. He loaded trash and recyclables to drop off, run some errands including bringing us a wrap for dinner. He also grab my parcel, more paint I won on Instagram, thanks Dixie Belle.

I spent the morning sanding and starting the poly coats on the bedroom suite.

After lunch, he picked up the skid steer while I ventured outside in the 34 degree heat(truck says) to do some quick poop pick up, weeding and set water on beds.

Sheldon took the tractor and "new" rake out to test the new A/C and rake on the polox field. I started a new project a cherry wood Bombay lectern. It got scrubbed and painted a coat of black but the 32 degrees (house says) had the paint drying too fast.

Time to head out for a cold beverage on the deck with Sheldon

He started loading bales while I got back to watering garden and front flower pots, he ran 4 loads to Stouts. I did pet care administering dewormer to Lola, refilling tea tree oil in Hawk's hoof crack and spraying KD's as well as topping up minerals. Britt was home at 7, Before our late supper he ran out and made 27 small squares while I worked on the blog posts and prepared more veggies.

Finally after supper it dropped to 26 so Britt and I went out to ride ponying KD with us while Sheldon and Lexi went and picked up the small squares. The bugs pushed us in after getting dark now before 10. The wind picked up and lightening was seen a bit, come on rain! But none came ;(

Shaina and Kaylin got home in the hurricane winds around 11.