Friday, June 30, 2017

We have a hay rake

Sheldon had arranged a hay rake viewing near Lethbridge this am so he had coffee going and prepping to go fairly early. He tried to run to the dump after 9 but no luck, it was closed so caught the south one on his way. I was off to town to drop Coco off for her spa day, pick up parcels for Shaina and Britt, return the shorted out sander and drop a trunk full of treasures off a the take it or leave it.

my one and only peony bloom this year, hope the other bud opens up

Back at the ranch I hosed KD then got to painting the cedar chest. As I was sending pictures to the buyer with the cream coat on and sanded back she changed her mind on the base color! So it was back to the drawing board and painting it all over in the bright azure color.

Coco was done at 1 but had to wait until I finished up the blue coat before running to town to get her. I grabbed groceries quick on the way home. Car says 28 degrees

Sheldon made it safley home after travelling 50 km/hr with his "new" rakejust after 4, whew long day but successful if we get a 2nd cut. He was soon off to town to scoop up the rental house deck replacement not needed parts to return so he had the trailer for small bales.

Deb made it back about 4:30 needing a cold beverage after her last few days of adventures. Sheldon joined us after his lumber returns then headed out to pick up the 47 small squares.

new rake and small squares rolling in

Britt got home before 7, tended to her horse then kindly hosed and medicated KD.

I whipped up chili for the troops which we finally started eating around 830 when Mom arrived. Kaylin and Shaina came out too, Shaina scoring the last of the chili. Britt was off to town while Sheldon, Kaylin and I unloaded the horse trailer into the storage trailer in short order. The rest came into her room. Shaina and I went out to try the new ceramic infused back on track healing boot on KD while Sheldon made a fire. Kaylin visited a bit then was headed back to stay in the city as she works at 7 am.

Thursday, June 29, 2017

moving day for K

This morning we were up and off to the city with our coffees to load up miss Kaylin's house. We arrived at 10:30 meeting a customer who was picking up these 2 chairs, thanks Georgina.

It did not take more then an hour to load up all her goods into the trailer and just in time as it started to rain. Shaina had us haul her big mirror & cabinet over to her house and got a tour, nice digs Bradley!

Then we were east bound and down. The rain stopped at city limits and out came the sun. It was 21 at the ranch, perfect weather for baling. I got busy painting the cedar chest its first coat in soft green then I headed outside to weed.. and water.. and weed!

Sheldon finished up his 28 bales about 6:30 as I was feeding the horses some dandelions. Time to refresh with a cold sasparilla. Britt arrived home as we were enjoying a 2nd one. She and I headed out in the beautiful sunshine to ride and Sheldon went out to try his "new to us" small square baler. Sure enough it worked like a dam, making 47 smalls. He even tried rolling out a small round bale experiment but that did not go so well.

Britt ran to town after our ride to meet her girlfriends for a drink and was back at 10 to eat supper with the baler boy coming in about the same time. He headed back out at 11 to move the round bales in the cool night air seeing he had no A/C finishing up about 1.

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

small projects on a windy day

B was up and off early, we were up and having coffee at 7:30. Poor Deb had a flat tire on the QE2 last night.. scary for sure as it is a FAST highway and no one stopped to help but she did find a call out repairman who got her back on the road. She was off to find a new rim and tire this am.

Sheldon headed out in the wind to start baling around 8:30 as rain is supposed to roll in by 2 ;( He got a few but seemed tough so moved on to hauling off all the bales rolled up so far.

I got busy washing brushes and such, finishing white wrap washing, hosing and linamenting KD and serving refreshments to the Prince in his skid steer. I have another huge project coming in for next week so wanted to get prepared for it, plus it is nice to get all back in order between anyway. KD seems a bit better which is good, hope it is just not the bute though.

I started light sanding on the cedar chest I purchased a few weeks back in Chestemere ( the non speeding ticket lucky day) and posted it for custom painting. It was immediately called requiring much back and forth with photos and such for a color choice. I did spend a bit of time doing wood filler repairs.

Another small project I had Sheldon look into after he tried to bale but it was too tough was the bird nest and birds I swear I heard in the dormer eve. Sure enough he found a huge nest, dead baby but after we precariously went thru the attic found indeed a live fledgling but no way could we get it out. Prince left the soffit area open hoping it would find its way out. I just hope the mother does not find way back in once we solve this.

I swept all the shavings out of the horse trailer earlier then rolled up the mats and got grunge from under pushed out. Sheldon hooked it up and we pulled to the hose to hose out. I even got the scrub brush and cleaner and removed allot of crud off the walls. We left it to dry ready for tomorrow's big move for Kaylin. The wee bit of rain came down as we were finishing hosing but was only a few drops.

The poor garden and flower beds are drying out so fast in this horrid wind. I watered some before coming in to cook up a chicken dinner. Sheldon had to run to a rodeo meeting so I ate with Britt when she got home from work before 7. Then she and I went out to ride in the arena as it was STILL windy. Sheldon was in the house having ate now when we got in after 9. Mom had called with sad news that uncle Ken had passed ;( Very sad.

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

bales started to be rolled up

I had the coffee going by 830 as Deb had plans to head out to meet a friend by 10. As it turned out her days schedule changed completely so we continued with coffee and visiting with Sheldon and Britt joining us.  Deb and I ran to town at 11 to check the yarn at Walmart while Sheldon was off on a gopher patrol and Britt was doing ??

We made it back home after 12 for her to load up and head in to meet her friends and continue her Alberta tour coming back to us Friday. Britt hosed KD's leg. It wasn't long and we all were heading back to town. Britt had bottles to take to the depot, Sheldon needed twine, Britt had a chiropractic appointment then we did some shopping before grabbing and ice cap and heading back to the ranch.

Prince S went out to test the hay and decided it was time to start baling. Britt gave Bird her meds as well as KD along with linament rub.

 rolling up the first one

the regular bales are large at 70" but this is a smaller is a test one, cute right?

My dining table customer arrived to pick up the table, chairs and leaf holder, nice to have that big project done and gone.

the smallest size of the table and the chairs before and after

Britt scrubbed buckets up while I got her white wraps started to soak overnight. Sheldon ran out of fuel so made a run to town. The sky was getting dark and it was not long before he text it was raining and hailing in town but the storm circled us. Soon he was back and in the tractor hustling to get more rolled up in case it circled back.

I cooked up a late steak supper which B & I ate before Sheldon finished up about 9:30 as it was toughening up having made 23 bales.

Monday, June 26, 2017

Deb comes north

Britt was off early to work but it was nice to have a relaxing start to the day with coffee in bed a bit later. Today is supposed to be a hot one so it was time to get some outdoor chores done. Sheldon changed the fuel filter on his truck while I watered the garden and flower beds and cold hosed KD's leg. Prince went out and filled some badger holes with the skid steer while I put out some kelp for the ponies and touched up my dining chairs project.

It is a scorcher at 29! A quick lunch then I threw pasta on for mac salad for supper. Sheldon headed out to the shop to work on greasing up the tractor. My dining set  customer stopped out to pick up the table leaves to break up the load. I headed out to help Sheldon take the bucket off the tractor running the skid steer to lift it while he backed out. I was giving KD some bute when I remembered the pasta. ...WTH. Yep it was boiled dry and burnt!! Darn it, no salad for supper lol

 my in cab view

I noticed a mark on a chair and a few spots on the leaf storage rack and ended up spending over an hour touching up the chairs and it. UGH I just can't leave well enough alone can I?

Deb arrived around 4:30, just in time for a cold beer and start of our evening catch up. Sheldon joined in then eventually Britt home from work too. We had a barbecue supper and were just finishing up when the Paetz's family stopped for a visit. Lots of catching up before they were off about 9:30 and we continued till 11:30 before calling it a night.

someone is hamming it up, check out the pretty afghan Deb made for my bday, thank you!!

Sunday, June 25, 2017

Hay comes down

Lexi had another restless night (like when Britt got home at 2) and awake at 6 but this time went outside then napped on couch till I was up at 7:45. Time to replay yesterday but wait this time Sheldon hummed and hawed and decide to stay and cut the hay so the dogs could stay home and we opted to take only Bird. Britt was a bit slow moving but we did have Bird caught, loaded and on the road by 8:30 ish.

We arrived with time for her to tack up and get to her 10 am game which of course was. A bit behind schedule. The girls played well but again came up short so were out of the finals. Britt and Shelby reffed the final A game which ran behind too making the awards not happen till closer to 3.

We were loaded up and on the road by 3:30 making a detour to Moore's south clinic to see baby Roo for a short visit.

Back home by 5, we met Sheldon on the drive to pass off his wallet for him o head to town and purchase deck supplies on a big scratch sale. Britt and I let the horses all out in the winter pasture for a romp. She was then off for a shower. Sheldon was back as I was finishing up putting another coat of poly on the chairs. He brought home Vietnamese for supper, yeah!! Britt was then off to town as I went back to finish chairs and a fellow stopped to pick up some free pipe. Sheldon patrolled the clean cut fields on the quad with his gun looking for varmints. I looked out to notice KD hobbling along so grabbed the hoof pick and linament and went to check. Poor girl must have got a kick during the romp so I led her back to a paddock then went and caught Daisy to keep her from pacing with her wounded leg.

I watered my new flower bed and "candace" shrub before coming in for a soak in the tub then update blog while Prince too soaked then hit the comfy bed soon fast asleep. Britt was home before 11 needing to get to bed as she works tomorrow seeing she had Saturday off.