Sunday, April 30, 2017

last day in April 2017

Crazy it is April 30th The day started out lovely and sunny but a bit blustery I noticed when putting the water on to soak the front bed tulips. Sun is all we really need though right?

Did I mention Brad headed to Bali to join Shaina? Yep he did with a few glitches before safely meeting up. Here she is with Kate on Gilli T beach

While savoring my coffee I posted my projects on linky parties then headed to the garage to get last of the organizing done for tomorrows class. I scrubbed up a wooden bowl to rejuvenate with hemp oil amidst my cleaning and setting up.

Amanda tagged me in some cheap dressers. I hummed and hawed as to get them then finally decided to run to get them, in the city. I rousted Britt to come along after her lazy day "cleaning" her room. Hooking up the horse trailer was done in record time and by 2:30 we were out the gate.

It seems my GPS siri had us take a convoluted route to this home on a narrow hill but we made it. Not all that I hoped to get was worth it but we did manage to load up 3 dressers and a wee free end table.

please note these are seller pictures

The next stop was to the new Costco off 17th to do a couple returns and get some supplies. Sheesh is was rushed as they close at 5, who knew!  We did encounter blips of rain along the way and cloudy blustery weather but now that we were heading to the truck the sun was out. Being hungry we sampled the cinnamon buns and snap peas on our drive home.

Back home we unloaded our food, I started cooking the souvlaki pork Britt requested with rice while she went to put out hay - without being asked!! but the alternative was putting Costco away so she even took time to play with Lola ;)

Saturday, April 29, 2017

beauty day

Britt was up at 9 to join me for a coffee and breakfast before her 10 am shift at the tanning salon. This was a bit of a struggle as she did not get home till after 2 am but has not worked there for months ;)

Forgot to share a couple treasures found yesterday

Britt scored this vintage gold tea pot

and I these.. along with the green vase from rummage sale I seem to have a green theme going

I worked on the sofa table scrubbing it up, starting with two coats of concealer then left to dry well overnight.

I assembled the stool and tidied up for Monday's private paint class

As well waxed a blue frame with white wax

between coats marketing was in the works, trying to repost Kijiji ads and post on FB sites takes time but if I can get some sales it is worth it. It seems the booth has been a shut out for April ;(

Britt was home from work around 4, she changed and we headed out in the glorious 14 degree sunshine to ride. What a beauty day for sure. She took KD along then let her back out while we both did more fine tuning. Once done we hosed, fed, dosed them all with dewormer, pitched hay and refilled minerals/salt/kelp.

Finishing up at 6 we came in for supper then B hit her room while I continued to work on marketing. I put almost everything on sale today, fingers crossed. She did however head out to watch a movie for a couple hours with a friend at 10. I found 2 more seasons I need to catch up on of Call the Midwife. And check it out there are 4 more yet to be put on Netflix.

Friday, April 28, 2017

a baby is born.. a filly actually

Britt has spent the last few days enthralled in the idea of purchasing an Australian Stock horse baby not yet born. Today she canon balled into my bed before 8:30 with a picture of the sweet little filly just born.

Needless to say the rest of her day was in a baby fever frenzy. Coffee and toast were had while the visiting continued. Candace was off to Edmonton for her conference just before noon with Britt and I right behind her heading south to meet the new filly. What a sweety she is and a fabulous mother Glen Idol is.Here is a link to her parents.

 look at her legs!

 and face ;)

We stayed about half an hour then headed into Okotoks viewing quite the setups along the way. Looking for a thrift store had us find a consignment store where Britt scored a few pair of jeans with one pair that had her jazzed, Rag & Bone. We headed to the thrift store where she found more, she is now stocked up for work jeans. I found a few great staging items too.

The next stop was a boutique to find Blundstone boots for work but her size was not there. We grabbed Tim's and ventured back home. The entire way home was spent coming up with baby names. We had quite the list by the time we arrived home.

Soon after we did, the magazine table gal arrived to pick it up. Yeah another piece out of the great room ;)

Britt was off to Calgary to meet Kaylin for a girls night leaving me to work on the blog, pitch a bale to the ponies, grab a bologna sandwich for supper and a cupcake for dessert then organize and record all my latest treasures. She did arrive home at 11 as I finished up season 2 of  Outlander and moved on to Riverdale. She changed and was off to town to meet Amber.. busy day for the B!

Thursday, April 27, 2017

more birthday celebrations

Holy cow busy day batman. Tracey a friend from Hanna was to arrive at 8:30 to pick up the round coffee table they put on hold ages ago so I had alarm set for 8. However they were delayed a bit and did not arrive till 9 which gave me time to make coffee and fluff up the house. She and her husband had a quick coffee and were on the road by 10.

I was off to town behind them first stop the church rummage sale. Yep I drop off bags and bring bags home, charitable thing right ;)

A stop at UFA for dewormer then quick to take it or leave it where I scored an old book for staging and 2 clear square vases. Now to run to Walmart for dog food and a few other things before meeting Coreena and Sharon for a belated birthday lunch. Thanks girls it was fun to catch up.

I grabbed my free birthday booster juice, yum! A trip back to walmart for groceries & fresh tulips and then one last stop at the rummage sale before jetting home. Rain had started as I left the rummage sale the first time but after our lunch the sun began to find its way out. Now it was out in full swing.

Candace text she was on her way so I scurried to freshen up her room and put in a pan of turtle brownies for dessert. She arrived after 5 bringing cupcakes and a lovely shrub to celebrate some belated birthdays, Thank You!! I made chili while we visited and had it ready to eat once Britt was home from work to join us around 7. The evening was spent catching up. Of course I did watch a bit of Outlander before shutting out my light.

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

mid week already

The snow was still covering the ground upon waking. Britt was off early to work yet again. I loaded some of the vacation photos on my Facebook page and posted another blog page before going to feed the ponies. It was then time to get the magazine table finished. I mixed black and clear wax to finish it off. This gave it depth and dimension to the pure white paint.

The household drudgery continues as well as marketing and blogging. Although no sun came out and it only hit 3 degrees the snow was almost all gone by afternoon.

Shaina and Kate checking out life above the clouds on a very early trek up 

I had supper made for Britt when she arrived home from work before 7. She kindly got back on the roster to pitch hay then relaxed the evening away. The vet place wants her resume so she needs to  get that to them, yeah B!

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

snow birthday

B was up getting ready for work, yep on her big 20th birthday and the ground was covered in SNOW... and lots of it and it kept coming down. I was up early finishing up cleaning (now the fresh laundered rug hung outside was blown down and snow covered)

I moved the vanity set to the entry for todays pick up.

The blog was worked on getting day one uploaded and good to go. Time to feed the ponies in the snow. The back deck has about 2" worth on it. I gave the magazine table another coat of paint too.

Back to working on the vacation blog posts with a bowl of hamburger soup. I also wrote up one for the white accent table done awhile back. The vanity set gal had vehicle issues so wont be getting till it is fixed. The snow let up after lunch and the temperature started to rise slowly to plus 5 melting the snow. I guess we can be thankful for moisture in any form.

Shaina face timed while having her breakfast of banana pancakes before yoga. (it is 14 hours ahead there so 7:30 am) Crazy how technology can have us connected with pictures in real time. Britt was home early again after 6 and got a face time with her too. We both got changed and were off to town to celebrate her big day with a rib eye steak and cheesecake!! Thanks for sharing your cake B!! Happy cake day big girl! XOXOXO

On the way home, I dropped off another bag at the church for rummage sale then I stopped to grab a coffee table set from one of my good customers. They threw in a stool as a bonus gift with purchase ;) B begrudgingly helped me unload the uber heavy coffee table before I jetted out to feed the horses while it was still light out at 8:45 pm!